How we get out of this mess
The THE NEW EARTH MANIFESTO and an invitation to a very special event … Dear friends, We can’t tell you how... [more]
You wanted us dead but we feel more alive and radiant than ever
By Dr Louis Fouché “The whole Reinfocovid team addresses a big THANK YOU to all its opponents and to the... [more]
Open to Receive and Focus on Positivity
By Karta Singh The change has landed on this planet. It’s confronting, it’s not an easy time. For many-many of... [more]
The ‘awakening’ influenza
The next viral wave is coming and this time the protection of the mouth is of no use at all:... [more]
The changeover can take place overnight!
By Monique Mathieu “At this moment, the people of France and all other peoples can have immense power and can... [more]
All decisions must be managed by and for love
By Anne Givaudon; Les Solaires : Brothers and Sisters, daughters and sons of the ONE we greet you. If we... [more]
Mask duty can be negligent bodily injury!
From Roland Beek According to article 10 of the Federal Constitution, every person has the right for his or her... [more]
Beautiful things happen. They are unlocking. Let it happen
By Emmanuel Schaeffer Everything ends this month. The misery, the lures… There is an energetic brake that puts an end... [more]
Silent enough to listen and brave enough to act
INTUITION In-tuition means “in training” or “in class”. So we are taught by our intuition. The high art is and... [more]
The era of materialisme is coming to an end. 21st December 2020 begins the upward curve towards the 5th dimension.
Text: Ricardo Ovni Hello my loves Today I want to fill you with optimism and enthusiasm so I bring very... [more]
Throw away oppression and try freedom! the who, why and how by David Icke
The POWERFUL Speech of David Icke in Birmingham Saturday, October 31, 2020 “Let’s go straight to the point! The sars... [more]
I choose to live free… I will not live confined, locked up, isolated…
Text: Nicolas Grandjean I will continue to get out of my house and go for a walk! I will receive... [more]
What you radiate now is the most important thing
A message from White Eagle, Hopi Indian – North American tribe, 27.3.2020 This moment that humanity is experiencing can be... [more]
UBUNTU! How can we be happy when others are sad?
Text: Kim Hoyer An anthropologist thought he would test these African children. He placed a bowl of fruit underneath a... [more]
Living in illusion, without being part of it
By Kara I am KaRA. It is a pleasure to be able to be with you and to share in these... [more]
Conspiracy doctors? What if what they say was true?
Important! An international extraparliamentary commission of inquiry has just been set up to investigate the real motives behind the restrictive... [more]
What does wearing a mask lead to, if we don’t look beyond
By Philippe Guillemant I reduce the “quantum state of my thinking” on the issue of wearing the mask, which seemed... [more]
To live with open doors
One day, a very rich father took his son to the country for the simple reason of showing him how... [more]
By freeing yourself, you free the world
By Ute Posegga-Rudel If we do not succeed in diverting our attention away from the phenomena and demands of the... [more]
Can you feel the underlying agenda of “CV”, the lockdowns, FiveGee, bio-surveillance and all coming to a head?
By Josh del Sol I can. Hey There..More and more people are becoming woke to the players, and the game…... [more]
CHOOSING LIFE – we have decisions to make
By Arthur Fistenberg The world, for the past several months, has been distracted from the existential question looming ever-closer on... [more]
The old structures, as we have known them for hundreds of years, will dissolve
Text: Josef Studerus The old structures, as we have known them for hundreds of years, will dissolve – this is... [more]
It doesn’t interest me to know…
The Invitation by Oriah It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you... [more]
The difference between men and women. Something to meditate
“The last lecture of the evening course at Stanford dealt with the relationship between body and mind, the relationship between... [more]
Humanity shattered and society collapsed by a little thing
By Mustapha Dahleb A small microscopic thing called a coronavirus is turning the planet upside down. Something invisible has come... [more]
How to escape the growth trap!
By Uwe Burka To avoid the social, environmental and economic problems it causes Alternative technologies are being proposed to solve... [more]
Rudolf Steiner : Do EVERYTHING to Develop Your Spiritual Abilities
Viruses and ground electrification Brief Summary of the Message : “Viruses are simply the Excretion of a Poisonous Cell!!!! Any... [more]
What’s happening now is a great moment for humanity…
By Aloha Alexandrine What is happening now on the international stage under the pretext of the global viral health crisis... [more]
Coronavirus Speaks : “We must take actions to end our destructive ways.”
By John Perkins “Virus epidemics are Mother Earth’s way of teaching us lessons that have lasting impacts,” an Andean Shaman... [more]
Healing in Paris and a few words regarding the Corona Virus
By Christina von Dreien Dear ones, First of all I would like to thank you for your energetic help during... [more]
It’s time to deliver the new – By Karta Satyavrati
Last year we were in preparation, and now it’s time to deliver the new. Everything that we have manufactured inside,... [more]
The story of the Zen Master and the scorpion
A Zen Master saw a scorpion drowning and decided to pull it out of the water. When he did so,... [more]
Hello Friends! On Friday, January 3rd from 3 pm to 3:30 pm Pacific Time, I will be doing prayers and... [more]
And now ? Message from the end of 2019 by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
The process of fusion in the light body is already well advanced for some … This message of late December... [more]
Loneliness: A Health Problem That Could Be Deadlier Than Obesity, Study Says
By Richard Enos Loneliness can reliably be linked to a significant increase in the risk of early mortality, according to a... [more]
Today, 11.11.2019
Author unknown. At 11:11 am, there will be an unprecedented event in the history of the Earth. For the first... [more]
There is no other…
By Julie Ann There is no other Everything that is perceived denotes resonances of this field of experience. There is... [more]
Day D – 2, networking this Thursday, November 7 at 6:00 pm at the Casino de Montbenon
We had always dreamed that real networking would happen at the Connection. May the participants meet, exchange and, together,... [more]
The Heart & Brain Respond To Future Events – Before They Happen
By Arjun Walia IN BRIEF The Facts:Multiple experiments have shown strong evidence for precognition in several different ways. One of them... [more]
One week left to sign the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
he International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, together with complete lists of signatures from scientists, doctors,... [more]
There is no climate emergency
Perhaps not a climate emergency, but clearly an urgent need to be aware of our stupidity about the over-consumption and... [more]
We are not victims of our lives, but responsible
By Maud Albertini The process is accelerating… The rebirth is now being made gradually for all…. for some people this... [more]
Study shows that horses understand our emotions and remember us deeply
Dulce Ruby IN BRIEF The Facts:In a recent study, researchers at the universities of Sussex and Portsmouth have discovered that... [more]
Resistance to 5G : The dominoes are starting to fall
By Claire Edwards in April 2019, updated by Jonathan ExoPortail, How can we stop the deployment of $12 trillion worth of... [more]
How can we use technology as a tool to advance humanity and consciousness?
By Eckhart Tolle Technology is neutral and can be used to clutter the mind or to encourage spaciousness. Eckhart suggests... [more]
Imbue your money with soul and let it stand for who you are, your love, your heart, your word, and your humanity
By Lynne Twist “I believe there are millions of people taking responsibility, not just for change, but also for transformation,... [more]
We have a responsibility…
By Christina von Dreien Hello dear ones, A few weeks ago, I was on a plane. We flew over Turkey.... [more]
The first thing we need to do is achieve world peace
Benjamin Fulford is a whistle blower, which means that he has insights from what is really happening on our earth,... [more]
Nothing is random, everything has been pre-planned. Thursday 25th July – a day out of time
By Suzanne Maresca, Jenji and the white wolve tribe, 15th July 2019, Dearest brothers and sisters, Greetings of the most high.... [more]
Canada Has Officially Banned Dolphin and Whale Captivity
By: Elias Marat Canada will no longer allow whales, dolphins and porpoises to be bred and held in captivity for... [more]
Just one notch higher and you have made it. 18th July 2019, the event escalates
By Michael Love Great ones, The Earth Alliance now confirms that a new armada of pleiadian lightships have descended into... [more]
The old world seems to be going up in smoke, what can I do? What can we do?
By Espritscience “We are all witnesses to this collapse, and the light is not too far away. I pray for... [more]
Ancient Tree Contains Record of Earth’s Magnetic Field Reversal in Its Rings
By Sara Burrows Construction workers have accidentally dug up a 40,000 year old tree that will give scientists insight into... [more]
Dutch company reveals Lightyear, an electric car that charges itself with sunlight
By Arjun Walia IN BRIEF The Facts:A Dutch company has unveiled an electric car that charges itself via solar power.... [more]
The path of ascension…
By Ishtar Dear ones please understand that the path of ascension lies not in leaving your body and becoming something... [more]
Message of the day and a superb astronomical phenomenon occurs tonight, Tuesday, July 16.
Indeed, a partial lunar eclipse will occur and will be visible from all over France. In fact, the phenomenon will... [more]
Everything You Need To Know About 5G & The Solutions To Stop It – Free Summit
By Joe Martino IN BRIEF The Facts:The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit kicks off soon and will bring together... [more]
Tree planting ‘has mind-blowing potential’ to tackle climate crisis
Planting billions of trees across the world is by far the biggest and cheapest way to tackle the climate crisis,... [more]
The way of life in the 5th dimension
The third dimension operates with a specific set of rules and has certain characteristics, aspects, boundaries, edges, mutations and structures.... [more]
Blinding light comes to earth. A transmission of the Pleiadiens
Loving it. It vibrates highly… Channeled by Michael Love 1st July begin transmission…. Great ones, The grand golden age of... [more]
Important message regarding the technological harmony
By: A High Command of the Galactic Confederation – the Actuarial Department of Technology – contacts at the moment... [more]
Dogs Can Detect Lung Cancer With 97 Percent Accuracy
By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution. IN BRIEF The Facts:Early detection provides the best opportunity for lung cancer survival; however, lung... [more]
Destruction of humans, animals and nature by 5G radiation, by Dr. Barrie Trower
Text: Kla TV After Switzerland in April, in June 2019, the frequencies in the 2 gigahertz band and in the... [more]
Take the risk to be loved !
By Jeff Foster “It’s one thing when someone says to you, “I love you.” It’s another thing when someone witnesses... [more]
The Arcturian Council : Manifesting Big Changes
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been observing all... [more]
Proven by the russian military: Human & Animal Telepathy Is 100 Percent Real
By Arjun Wallia The Facts: The Russian Ministry of Defense published an article about the existence of military parapsychology in... [more]
Eckhart Tolle on low self-esteem and anxiety
By Eckhart Tolle QUESTION: I’m 34 years old and have a good job and a good home; I’m married to... [more]
Love Thy nature
Text: Uplift.TV The winner of 27 awards, this film reveals how a relationship with nature ignites a sense of meaning... [more]
Breaking with History
By John Perkins We are fortunate to live at a time when we have access to information that shakes us... [more]
Operation « Liberation of Planet Earth » 30rd May 2019
The Earth Alliance informs that Operation “Liberation of Planet Earth” will soon begin. Message from the Pleiadians Dear Friends of... [more]
I free myself…
Text: Ronna Herman “1. I free myself from all expectations regarding my inner growth. I will live every day in... [more]
From 5G to 5D – Meditation / prayer all Wednesdays at 1pm et Sundays 5pm
By Christina von Dreien In order to do something together at the heart level, I suggest that you meditate or... [more]
5G – Letter for politicians and members of the authorities
By Christina von Dreien / News from May 5, 2019 Hello dear ones, The flashmob from 19.05.2019 cannot be executed.... [more]
Is our Federal Council well informed concerning the 5G?
Following the decision of several cantons and municipalities to declare a moratorium on 5G, the press reports that the Federal... [more]
Becoming a blessing: Living like our lives make a difference
Pierre Pradervand sent us this video, and it is just so awesome. It’s about the beauty of life, about blessing,... [more]
No one is broken – The Power of Seeing a Different World
By: William Kenower / My youngest son, Sawyer, used to spend far more time relating to his imagination than... [more]
London Marathon reduced 200,000 plastic bottles with edible water pods
By Jill Ettinger – The London Marathon did its part in reducing plastic waste by swapping water bottles with edible... [more]
By: Lauren Wills Freelance Journalist and Environmental Research Intern | Contactable via Notoriously media-shy Swiss businessman and philanthropist Hansjörg Wyss has launched and... [more]
New Zealand announces nationwide plastic bag ban
By Thomas Nelson It is estimated that around the world, 1 trillion single-use plastic bags are used. That’s 2 million... [more]
Our planet – Everything communicates
What an incredible beautiful film of 50 minutes, showing us so well how everything is connected and making us once... [more]
On the way to the slaughterhouse with 20 lambs, a breeder cracks
Wow wow wow how much we LOVE to hear and read these stories….In just a moment, a man decided to... [more]
Important newsletter from Christina von Dreien to the theme of 5G‼
Dear ones, You who have all registered on, because you also want a new education system. Thank you very... [more]
All the masks are falling now, we can no longer say that we didn’t know
Dear souls, You are going more and more towards the truth, all the masks are falling now, you can no... [more]
Man Discovers A Family Of Mice Living In His Garden, Builds Them A Miniature Village
Recently, photographer Simon Dell stumbled upon a family of mice running around his garden. Instead of reaching for the traps,... [more]
France adopts a declaration of tree rights
Text: Eric Felley / Le Matin The National Assembly has just proclaimed a text that makes the tree a “sensitive... [more]
Tapping into the Innate Intelligence of the Heart, the Hridaya
By Johanna Bassols For far too long, but particularly in the modern Western world, we have thought of the heart as... [more]
Once when you say “I want to find the truth”…
your whole life will be deeply affected by this. . All your mental and physical habits, feelings and emotions, desires... [more]
By understanding animals more deeply we can start to heal ourselves
How us humans can reconnect with the rest of the living planet? This video is once more sooooo touching! What... [more]
The Cintamani – A tektite that vibrates at very high frequencies
By Marie Eve Leclerc Cintamani, a Sanskrit word meaning the fulfillment of the Jewel and these wishes. It is a... [more]
The world is the mirror of my soul – Le Petit Prince
“I have learned,” said the Little Prince, that the World is the mirror of my Soul. When she is cheerful,... [more]
5G ? The people of Brussels are no laboratory mice (Céline Fremault)
By: Josh del Sol – Collective Evolution Great news. A Belgian government minister has announced that Brussels is halting its 5G plans due... [more]
Our original nature is the place where the notion of effort does not exist
By Julie Ann The place of our Origin is pure simplicity, it is absolute relaxation. This requires dropping any notion... [more]
The pleiadiens invite us to only expect good things
It may seem strange to you, that we talk about pleiadians as if they were the neighbour next door. But... [more]
Cranky old man – a beautiful poem of an old men offering us his reality
When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in an Australian country town, it was... [more]
There is no monster within us
By Jeff Foster Fall in love with the darkness. of life’s stupidity and crap. the shadows, the hidden parts. of the... [more]
Mother Earth is showing us the way. All we have to do is to listen. The example of the Dragana tribe
By Christina Antonyan The Tribe Who Invite Spirit into All Parts of Life. The Role of Spirit in Human Connections The... [more]
First urban ‘agrihood’ in America feeds 2,000 households for FREE
By trueactivist The agrihood is located in Detroit, Michigan, and feeds thousands of families in the area. Children and adults... [more]
Sing for the climat – Do it, now!
This song, it pulls you in and doesn’t let go of you. It’s such a beautiful hymn for mother earth, so... [more]
Our true challenge is in trying to live a life of expansion, liberation, love, and joy here on the physical plane – by Anita Moorjani
By Anita Moorjani, Via Lessons from My Deathbed When I was born into this world The only things I knew... [more]
If the solutions in the system are so impossible to find, then maybe we should change the system itself. Greta Thunberg
“I think we are only seeing the beginning. I think that change is on the horizon and the people will... [more]
Setting an inaccessible goal, the only condition for staying alive
Text: Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov The science of the wise and the Initiates, what is wonderful about it is that it offers... [more]
Greta Thunberg, schoolgirl climate change warrior: ‘Some people can let things go. I can’t’
Text: Jonathan Watts One day last summer, aged 15, she skipped school, sat down outside the Swedish parliament – and... [more]
More than 230 scientists from all over the world are calling for a moratorium on 5G
What shines on the outside is not necessarily gold on the inside. Scientists and doctors warn about the effects of... [more]
Unvaccinated Children Pose No Risk To Anyone, Says Harvard Immunologist
Text: Richard Enos / Collective-Evolution The Facts: Immunologist Tetyana Obukhanych wrote an open letter to legislators who may be thinking about... [more]
Love Medecine – a documentary that helps change the approach to life and care
Once more, we just fell on a jewel of a short video, wonderfully illustrating what health really means, and that... [more]
Life can’t go wrong
Text: Jeff Foster “In reality, your world is arranged in such a way that nothing happens to you but everything... [more]
Are you ready to leave everything?
Jesus asked us this question, Sidartha did it, Eckhart Tollé, Neale Donald Walsh… One day, they left everything, by force... [more]
How can a teacher understand youth with such a system? Spiritual Inspiration from Albert Einstein
By UPLIFT Pondering the Unknown with the World’s Most Famous Scientist. Though he was the most famous scientist of his... [more]
My 400 Days Without Candy & What I Learned About Sugar Addiction
This sugar. Much of us are much more dependent on it than would it like to be. Here comes an... [more]
There is so much magnificence near the ocean, by Deva Premal & Miten
And in the ocean, within us.. We just LOVE this song of Deva Premal and Miten. When Miten sang this... [more]
2019, the year of immense transformations
“There will be many phenomenon (that is phenomenon of intense light) that you will not be able to explain and... [more]
Let the unknown reveal to you, be with you, support you and inspire you in 2019 Address
By Karta Singh Dear Friend, This was my wish to talk to you before the end of the year 2018... [more]
Hemp Is Officially Legalized in the STATES
By Joe Martino – Collective Evolution IN BRIEF – The Facts: With Donald Trump’s signature on the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp is... [more]
What is vivre pour autrui? It simply means to ‘live for others.’ My journey of self-discovery
One Woman’s Search for Peace of Mind by Loris Boys, In a world that seems to be more challenging,... [more]
Yellow Vests Update: CNN says they are creating chaos, but are they?
Are the yellow Vests creating chaos? Nope, but mainstream media wants you to think that. What’s really going on is... [more]
A Monk, Philosopher and Psychiatrist on What Matters Most
By Matthieu Ricard, Christophe Andre, and Alexandre Jollien Practice Makes Perfect We all have a mixture of shadow and light within us, but... [more]
Innocence – Let’s all come back to this initial innocence towards nature.
By Parallells When we produced Innocence, we were imagining ourselves flying above a village in Asia where everything lived in... [more]
Doctors Explain How Hiking Literally Changes Our Brain
By Alanna Ketler IN BRIEF The Facts:While it may seem obvious that a good hike through a forest or up a... [more]
When we reach the end of what we know, that’s where we find God
brought to us by Richard Rohr Meditation 12th October Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where... [more]
Om Mane Padme Hung, the mantra of kindness
Each syllable is associated with a color of the rainbow. The sound that vibrates in the heart of our heart... [more]
The plants are getting it. They are speaking to us. Let us listen. With respect and humility
Ayahuasca and Tobacco: Rebooting our systems By John Perkins I’m recently back from another trip to indigenous shamans in the... [more]
If you want to change the world love a man; really love him
by Lauren Wilce Choose the one whose soul calls to yours clearly; who sees you; who is brave enough to... [more]
Beyond the small dream of human existence, there is a deep reservoir of hidden dimensions
Just absolutely beautiful! Awakening from the Dream of Thought By Chad Foreman / The Reality of the Moment Once I heard... [more]
How living with open palms sets us free and finding freedom in letting go
By Benjamin Fishel / Roughly one year ago, I was having the time of my life. Everything seemed to be going... [more]
Painting The Impossible by Akiane Kramarik – a lifestory of Faith, love and patience
All these years God was waiting for me to grow so I could paint the most powerful message to mankind;... [more]
Former CIA Officer & ITNJ Chief Counsel Shares Reality Of Elite Child Trafficking
Text: Arjun Walia / Collective Evolution Why Are We Learning About This? The coming information can seem ‘dark’ and ‘grim,’ but how are... [more]
My letter to Minodora, SDF in Sibiu (Romania)
Dear Minodora, Yesterday, I parked my bus at the foot of a church in Sibiu (Romania). At sunrise, opening my... [more]
Will you get on the bus, or wait another few lifetimes?
Text: Arcturian Group Dear ones, greetings in love to you all. It has become a new time, a time during... [more]
The train of my life
Text: Jean D’Ormesson At birth, we get on the train and meet our parents. We believe they will always travel... [more]
What Happens to Your Body When You Use Medical Marijuana?
Just so so so many people are talking these times about all the beneficial effects of Marijuana. Why it works,... [more]
Once upon a time, there was a rich King who had four wives..
He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to the finest of... [more]
Daily Practices for a Happier Life and Better World. From Death to Life Economy
By John Perkins The dangers of the corporatocracy and the Death Economy – a world created by economic hit men... [more]
Stanislav Grof On The Healing Potential Of Non-Ordinary States Of Consciousness
Text: Alana Ketler Stanislav Grof is a psychiatrist with over 60 years of experience in research of non-ordinary states of... [more]
Cleaning- and taking responsability for the state of our soul – by Christina von Dreien
Text: Editing Christina von Dreien In Volume 2 we have published a list of practical tips on what every single... [more]
July 27 Eclipse – Healing the Masculine – Peace and Twin Flame Meditation
We will have a complete Lunar Eclipse on July 27th. There are powerful astrological alignments happening throughout this month and... [more]
Judy Dench: The actor makes fascinating discoveries about how trees communicate…
…the best time to plant your own and the role they have played in history and literature. Text: Sam Wollastone/... [more]
The Sun – learning to project light and love like it
Why do we watch the sunrise in the morning? Why are we focusing on it? To learn to mobilize all... [more]
The Great Solstice Energy Portal has started opening its doors!
Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for getting ready, The Great Solstice Energy Portal has started opening its doors! It’s time... [more]
Before the last elephant falls – Thousands of Rangers becoming elephant saviors, an Avaaz initiative
By Avaaz: Dear friends, In our lifetime, we could live in a world with no elephants, rhinos, or gorillas. It’s... [more]
Love changes everything
Duty without love makes us relentless Responsibility without love makes us ruthless Justice without love makes us hard Truth without... [more]
The three-wheel electric car Nobe on a mission to transform inner-city transportation across the world
The electric personality just raised € 900 000 through their crowd-funding campaign. Their aim: To build a global community of... [more]
Dream Change, founded to help shift humanity’s consciousness and to inspire new ways of living
Dream Change was founded in 1990 by author, economist and environmentalist, John Perkins, to help shift humanity’s consciousness and to inspire... [more]
Transforming the humidity of the air and obtaining 400 litres of clear water a day for a Lebanon Refugee Camp
By: Water Inception Let’s bring clean water to a refugee camp. Among the 65 Million of refugees around the world,... [more]
22n April, The Lyrid Meteor Shower Is Making An Appearance
Put the coffee on and get out your deckchairs, the annual Lyrid meteor shower is about to take to the... [more]
Pile of Puppies – a reminder that there is always light within the darkness
Text: David Badalec I don’t want you to miss the opportunity to learn about Pile of Puppies. Jennifer is doing... [more]
Dancing can reverse the signs of aging in the brain
As we grow older we suffer a decline in mental and physical fitness, which can be made worse by conditions... [more]
The laughing of Buddha with Mooji
Text: Laurent Freeman Here is what happens when you wake up in the dream: In the higher realms we call... [more]
Today, 22nd March, let’s come together and bless the water
Text: Uplift On World Water Day, we invite you to gather at your local water source, or home, and place... [more]
Believing in oneself is the most important thing
Text: Mind Warehouse His parents abandoned him, a millionaire adopted him. What he did then is hard to believe. Maybe... [more]
World’s first 3D-printed apartment building constructed in China
By Michelle Starr A Chinese company has successfully 3D printed a five-storey apartment building and a 1,100 square metre villa... [more]
Mother polar bear filmed teaching cubs to swim in incredible rare footage
Amos Nachoum, a veteran explorer and wildlife photographer captured the amazing moment a mother polar bear taught her cubs to... [more]
The Angel of Nanjing… The man who has saved over 300 lives over the last 14 years
The Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing is one of the most famous bridges in China. It is also the most... [more]
A Message From Our Ancestors: Transform a Death Economy into one that is a renewable resource, a Life Economy
By John Perkins Visiting ancient sites of the Aboriginal people here in Australia, I am struck by both their deep... [more]
What the plant of immortality, Aloe Vea, does in our body.
By Admin Contri Known to the Egyptians as the plant of immortality and to Native Americans as the wand of heaven, aloe vera comes with... [more]
The darkness of the entire universe cannot blow out even the smallest candle. The fairytale of Menuka
Fairytale by Pierre Pradervand A Christmas story written for my Nepalese grandchild Samsara Menuka “Ye are the light of the... [more]
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable | Luvvie Ajayi
By Ted: Luvvie Ajayi isn’t afraid to speak her mind or to be the one dissenting voice in a crowd,... [more]
China has found a way to turn deserts into rich crops
By Fattima Mahdi Success! Researchers at Chongqing Jiaotong University have created a paste that can turn sand into soil. The... [more]
WikiLeaks shows how CFR controles the most of the medias
This information can definitely scare some people, but I do believe that it is important that we do reconsider things... [more]
Please all, and you will please non. The story of the father, his son and the donkey
A man and his son were once going with their donkey to market. As they were walking along by its... [more]
What do we take with us, if it is time to go?
One day a man saw God approaching with a suitcase and knew he was dead. God said, “It’s time to... [more]
Germany is trialling a plan for free public transport in polluted cities
The German government is considering plans to make public transport free in cities suffering from air quality problems, according to... [more]
The day I died is the day that I started living
By Edward Morgan, Prepare for Change “Dear God, please help me. Show me the way to health, please show me... [more]
Surplus, Scarcity & Urban Farming
Text: Edward Morgan, Prepare for Change The planet is growing more food than ever, and yet millions of people continue to starve worldwide.... [more]
Unsung Heroes: Patrick Mwalua supplies drinking water to wild animals
They say the wrath of nature knows no mercy an analogy that can be said of the ongoing drought situation... [more]
Astrological Bulletin – what the super moon in the lion sign brings us this 31st January
January 31, 2018 brings us a a Super Moon in the sign of the lion. The latter will also be... [more]
The origin of the term “Tree hugger”
Text by Eirik Duke The first tree huggers were 294 men and 69 women belonging to the Bishnois branch of... [more]
Mega-Dams May Be History in the Brazilian Amazon!
By Christian Poirier / Amazon Watch Last week, executives of Brazil’s Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) unexpectedly announced to... [more]
Text: Joel Marion / Transformation Insider Lemon water is a very hot topic in the health and fitness industry right... [more]
The strength of Ho’oponopono – Healing technique
I’m sorry Please forgive me Thank you I love you These are the healing words from the ancient Hawaiian shamans... [more]
The Declaration of The Alliance of Guardians and children of Mother Earth
A Global Voice to the States and humanity for the preservation of life on the planet and for future generations... [more]
The Extraordinary Power of Compassion
Text: Jacob Devaney / Uplift How Do Acts of Compassion Create Peace in the World? Our state of mind is... [more]
If you want to awaken all of humanity, by Lao Tseu
« If you want to awaken all of humantiy, Then awaken all of yourself, if you want To eliminate the... [more]
Fire-tailed titi monkey and pink river dolphin among 381 new species discovered in the Amazon
Text: WWF A fire-tailed titi monkey, a pink river dolphin, a honeycomb patterned stingray, and a yellow-mustached lizard. These are... [more]
Hallelujah! Brazil court suspends decree allowing Amazon reserve mining.
Text: AFP/File / Apu Gomes A Brazilian court on Wednesday suspended a government decree that would open a huge Amazon... [more]
Michel Temer: abandon the mining project in the RENCA reserve in the Amazon! Please sign.
Text: Andrea Gauzzi. Mr Temer, The Brazilian people and the international community have learned with astonishment about your decision of... [more]
A sneak peeks into the new movie Beyond. An African Surf Documentary.
Text: Nomad Earth Media. After 3 years of production the new movie from the makers of the critically acclaimed surf... [more]
Who Am I To Be Brilliant?
Text: Marianne Williamson Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that We are powerful... [more]
“God places the best things in life behind the fear” Will Smith
“The biggest mistake we can make in life is to fear that it is going to be a mistake” Dietrich... [more]
How the Chinese herbalist Li Ching-Yuen atteined 256 years of age. 1677 – 1933.
Li Ching-Yuen or Li Ching-Yun was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor, known for his supposed extreme longevity.... [more]
No judgement
Text: Nikita Gill via Les Parisiennes du monde “Some people survive and talk about it. Some people survive and go... [more]
Amazon Watch – China’s other big export: Pollution
Texte: Leila Salazar-López / Amazon Watch A true climate leader would invest in the preservation of areas of global ecological... [more]
The Heart Connection Tribe – the movement of the new world
A new world is being created. A world in which humans are appreciated by their differences. This world is dotted... [more]
Plant-based anti-ageing product proven to decrease biological ageing
A sensation in anti-ageing research: The latest study results reveal for the first time the positive effect of plant-based antioxidants... [more]
FOOD REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE – The world cannot be fed unless the soil is fed
Conventional wisdom has long held that the world cannot be fed without chemicals and synthetic fertilizers. Evidence points to a... [more]
The ADN reveals our origins. We have more in common with the world than we might probably imagine
By Max Piccinini: I have fallen on a very strong video, which makes so much sens, which has profoundly impacted me. ... [more]
” – Building a beautiful world”
How does the world look like we all want to live in? How are our relationships? Our jobs? Our food?... [more]
What brings you passion? What gives you purpose?
Text: Jones Snowboards These are the questions that inspired veteran pro shredder Laura Hadar to embark on an ambitious new... [more]
By 2050, our oceans will have more plastic trash than fish. Avaaz calls for petition.
Dear friends, By 2050, our oceans will have more plastic trash than fish. It’s shameful. Half of the plastic made... [more]
Hungry for Change – Our Health is in our hands
Important topic!… Many of us are definitely very lost with our nutrition. Knowing why it is we eat something? This... [more]
He hides wooden giants in the forests all around Copenhagen
Such a beautiful story, such a passionate project, such a great idea … Par Harold Paris – To get art out of... [more]
The Wavegarden Cove® – A New Generation Surf Facility Producing 1000 Waves per Hour
Wavegarden®, leader in man-made wave technology, today announced the launch of its latest product, the Wavegarden Cove. Imagine a surf... [more]
What really happens to the plastic we throw away – Emma Bryce
We’ve all been told that we should recycle plastic bottles and containers. But what actually happens to the plastic if... [more]
La ruche qui dit oui. Let’s give the power to the producers and consumers in order to reinvent health food and its production.
Text: B-Corp. For the fourteenth edition of Meet the B Corps, B Lab Europe interviewed Mathilde Tournoux of French B Corp La Ruche... [more]
The B Corp model provides a way for companies to have purpose beyond maximizing profits
B Corporations are taking center stage as the future of what sustainable, thriving companies can look like. Standing for “beneficial,”... [more]
The Odyssée Race for Water departed for 5 years aiming to propose solutions for the conservation of the oceans
Text: Race for Water The vessel, Race for Water, left Lorient on Sunday, April 9 on a five-year Odyssey with... [more]
And here come the freshly crowned Freeride Worldtour champs.
April 3, 2017 – Verbier, Switzerland – The highly anticipated final of the international freeride ski and snowboard tour crowned... [more]
Mark Beaumont set to smash records with 80 days world cycle
Cycling star Mark Beaumont, best known for cycling around the world in 194 days in 2008, will take ultra-endurance to... [more]
Orkidstudio – Social Change through building
Orkidstudio works to benefit communities worldwide through innovative architecture, construction and social enterprise. We believe that creativity has the power... [more]
I’m Greta Pontarelli, I’m 66 years old, and I’m an aerial artist
Greta Pontarelli has been pole dancing since she was 59 years old. Now she’s 66. What an inspiring story. Just... [more]
Haroshi. Art with used skateboards!
Live from the Casio Booth at Baselworld! In the middle of the booth trones a huge skateboard ramp out of... [more]
The Water Song by Nalini Blossoming Song
Without water, we are not! Let’s celebrate the water. This beautiful song, realized for the water day, filmed at Lake... [more]
Kenny Ausubel: Plants Are Sentient Beings
“Science now shows that plants appear to be sentient beings. They perceive light, smell, touch, water, and many more variables... [more]
Companies that do good, do better
By: Erica Salmon Byrne / Ethisphere Like millions of Americans, this weekend I took my family to see Beauty and... [more]
Peta invests in Canada Goose!
Interesting topic. Definitely revolutionnary! To be copy pasted! By CBC News. On the one hand, coyote-masked activists with People for... [more]
Mercy Ships
It is beyond the imaginable. Images that we have never seen before, humans in such a suffering, recognized, seen, helped,... [more]
Given, the movie
Texte: Greg Williams… More than a surfing movie, “GIVEN” is an inspiring story that captures the Journey of the Goodwin Family across... [more]
Oceancare – Expertise and Passion for living oceans
Text: OceanCare OceanCare has been committed to marine wildlife protection since 1989. Through research and conservation projects, campaigns, environmental education,... [more]
Now is the time to unify – International Women’s Day.
Text: Unify: Join us for a Global Wave of Sister Circles on International Women’s Day! Thousands of women are gathering... [more]
“Where our government kills, we cultivate life.” – Maria Leusa, Munduruku leader Text: Amazon Watch. Tomorrow we celebrate International Women’s... [more]
Standing Rock struggles
At Amazon Watch, we felt a profound sadness last Wednesday when the protests camps at Standing Rock were fully evacuated... [more]
If I was a President… Las Cafeteras
Text: Jacob Edgar Our friends Las Cafeteras, a phenomenal band from East LA, have released a powerful new song today and even... [more]
Yoga and Sup in India
Waterwalk Co is happy to offer you two amazings retreats this winter in the beautiful area of Mandrem in Goa-India.... [more]
Standing Rock – The Power of Unity
Text: Stephanie Woodard / Yes Magazine Where to next? The Standing Rock model of resistance, its Native-led, youth-driven expertise, is... [more]
Better Shelter named Beazley Design of the Year
Better Shelter designed by Johan Karlsson, Dennis Kanter, Christian Gustafsson, John van Leer, Tim de Haas, Nicolò Barlera, the IKEA... [more]
Shaun White 3.0: Fit, Focused, Fired up as He Hits 30
Wondering, what Shaun White is becoming? Well, this morning, we stumbled on this neat article from Aaron Ontiveroz/The Denver post that... [more]
The life and dreams of Nicolas Mueller: Fruition – The Movie
Happy to share Nicolas Müllers piece of art with you… FRUITION!!! Aloha Friends happy 2017 I wish you a year... [more]
Urgent call for prayer tonight at 21.00 by pope Francis
Today at 9 pm, Pope Francis calls everyone around the world no matter where you are, nor the creed or... [more]
Girl Skate India Tour 2016
These girls rock! Virginia Fernandes and your crew, thank you for all you do to for the Indian ladies.. Text:... [more]
Polar Light with Antti Autti and Nicholas Wolken
Awesome video!!!… Makes you want to jump on the board right away!!!… Antti Autti and Nicholas Wolken take over the... [more]
My Playground with Markus Eden
“MY PLAYGROUND” presented by THE NORTH FACE. Text: Timeline Mission Fadner Alm is a hut, with no running water, no... [more]
MY PLAYGROUND with Samuel Anthamatten
presented by THE NORTH FACE. Text: Timeline Missions Playground – ˈpleɪɡraʊnd’ / noun. an outdoor area provided for children to play... [more]
Autark living – ReGen Village
Text: Dana Varinsky If you move into a new neighborhood being constructed outside of Amsterdam, your salad greens might come from... [more]
13 years old surfing girl Stan by Seth Hughes
Texte: Quirin Rohleder Hi! Please let us introduce to you: STAN. Who is STAN you might ask… Well, Stanley Eric... [more]
Patagonia donates 10 mio Black Friday sales to environmental organisations
Text: Rose Marcario Last week, when we announced we’d give 100 percent of our global retail and online Black Friday... [more]
The Zürich Impact Hub
The Zürich Impact Hub is a community of doers, who are building together a radical, collaborative world. One world which... [more]
Fruition – Do Anything You Want to Do
Fruition is a film about Nicolas Müller, who has been following his dreams and his convictions since he was about twelve... [more]
Le Voyageur
Text: David Cachon I never tire to repeat that one of the best things that you can do in this... [more]
Luminous graffs in the Amazon for fighting the deforestation
Wow, look at that !!! .. This is what happens when humans put their gifts and talents at the disposal... [more]
And the Red Bull Illume Winner 2016 is: Lorenz Holder
For the second time, Lorenz Holder is the great winner of the sport- and action sports contest Red Bull Illume... [more]
The feeling of family
Humans of Red Bull Illume: Tina Dixon, TV-Broadcaster In this industry you meet many people. With some of them, you... [more]
Being part of it
Humans of Red Bull Illume: Chantal Chretien, Red Bull Canada 10 years ago, I’ve worked on the Red Bull Illume... [more]
Whale population is increasing in Australia!
Text: Jim Plouffe AUSTRALIA’S southern right whale population has reached its highest point in more than a century. This year’s... [more]
Now is the time to protect the Earth
Climate change is real and it’s happening much faster than we feared. We are the cause and we are also... [more]
Zurich’s biggest street meditation, 23rd September, 19h00
Text: Alltagshelden “Life is too short”, “Time flies”, etc. It seems that we have to run after so many things,... [more]
LOUIS MASAI – Conscious Mural Painting
The Art of Beeing is an amazing project by british street artist Louis Masai. Through his art he shines a... [more]
WIKKELHOUSE- Sustainability made to last
How we live matters, where we live does too! Wikkelhouse is a small house with a groundbreaking design. What makes it... [more]
You are unique. Why? Because you are you. Show up, express yourself, no matter where-what-how. Many people are not top... [more]
Beyond Beanie
In summer 2013, Tito Alvarez travelled from Switzerland to Bolivia to visit his friend Paty Lucero where he began a... [more]
Livelife Zürich: 2.- 3. September Maag Areal Zürich
Homage to a healthy lifestyle. They have found themselves: Sophia, Event Manager and Aline, Health Coach. Together they offer... [more]
To my brother on his incredible journey
Text: Adam Pearce Dear Kev, It has been nearly six years since I sat by your bed at Craig Hospital... [more]
Gobi – the dog of the marathon
Text: BBC “It was love again at immediate sight”, is how Dion Leonard describes the moment he was reunited with his... [more]
Avaaz needs our support
Text: Ricken Patel Dear friends, Afghan intelligence just informed us that suicide bombers targeted an Avaaz event in Kabul. Thank... [more]
Solar Revolution by Dieter Broers
Does the sun have the power to transform humankind? In Solar Revolution, world-renowned German biophysicist Dieter Broers makes a compelling... [more]
No Difference, 12th September, Circus Knie, Geneva
Most of us believe that all the people of our western world have easy access to the creative facilities that... [more]
What determines the future of mankind? 17.-18.9. Vienna
Chaos & Order – 17th-18th September 2016 in Vienna Chaos & Order by Dieter Broers, is, in our opinion, an... [more]
Edith is beautiful
Edith received a free dignity restoring operation onboard a Mercy Ships. No one would come near me, everybody used to run... [more]
Win 10 x CHF. 1’000.- for your most beautiful and sustainable stories.
To your pens, typewriters, computers, mobile-phones … Co-create, and share your inspirations, your gifts and talents, untold stories, wonderful projects... [more]
The day out of Time – 25th July 2016
Original observation. Yesterday was the day out of time. The nomans land. The time where synchronizity happens. We also found... [more]
The love of my father
I have a father who is very cold but very funny too and who we love. As dad doesn’t know... [more]
Humans of NewYork
Texte / Brandon Stanton Humans of New York began as a photography project in 2010. The initial goal was to... [more]
Share A Dream
It all started with a dream. The dream of making the world a better and fair place, with equal opportunities for everyone. A wave of change makers is currently growing... [more]
Singapor’s first silent Teabar ‘Hush’
Text: Anthea Ong | The Chief Revolutionary Hush is designed with our deaf TeaRistas at the core of the service experience. Instead of being hidden,... [more]
The Power of Silence
Texte / Emma Spiegel in live of G21, Lausanne What brought me here ? What brought me to be living where I am living... [more]
Familyvacation on the North Pole
We went on family vacation to the North Pole, and were the youngest kids to reach it. Annika (then 14) and... [more]
Day-1 before a wonderful co-creation event!
One day, says the legend, there was a huge forest fire. All animals were terriefied and watched helplessly the disaster.... [more]
Let me in – Alicia Keys
For World Refugee Day, Alicia’s cultural movement, We Are Here, has partnered with CARE, Oxfam and War Child on a... [more]
Opaline is the result of an unusual encounter. Sofia met Ludovic. Sofia is from Switzerland. She was working abroad in... [more]
Pacific Crest Trail
By Sean Jansen It was never a vacation. It was never a sojourn, or a journey, trip, excursion, or trek.... [more]
Kungsleden Trail, Sweden
Written by Bee Roper A 440km hike along Swedens most impressive landscapes, the Kungsleden skirts the countries highest mountain (Kebnekaise),... [more]
« I am water, I am wind, I am a woman, I am a man, I am the first, I... [more]
She Explores | Inquisitive Women in the Outdoors, on the Road, and Besides.
Something happens to us when we step outside. Whether it’s the act of lacing up our boots, the fresh air... [more]
Patagonia by Christin Healey
Rugged, wind-blown, and infinitely wild, Patagonia is one of those places you just need to see to believe. And even... [more]
33 lions who spent their lives in the circus just went home to Africa
Text: A very touchy and powerful story reaches us from This homepage for the love of animals! It... [more]
Solidream | La leçon de vie de trois amis qui traversent le monde à vélo
Ce sont trois amis d’enfance, unis par l’amour du sport, qui ont décidé de partir ensemble pour un long voyage... [more]
Hip-Hop For Hope Philippinies | With street culture against street violence
The children and youth of Manila face street violence on a daily basis. This Street violence means fighting every day,... [more]
The destiny of the last ocean is in our hands
Texte: Nataliya Rovenskaya – Avaaz Dear friends, There is one almost completely untouched body of water on our planet —... [more]
Evian Live Young Baby Bay’s new surfers spot.
In fact, deep inside of us, we’re all kids! Evian’s Live Young Baby Bay’s campaign lets us take consciousness about... [more]
SPOT Y – A travel into the Unknown
Here to Here: An ode to California with photographer Morgan Maassen
Text: Carsten Christian Filmmaker Morgan Maassen and his friend Nole Cossart travelled through their home state California for about a... [more]
Sharing the Line – By Black Diamond
Text: Black Diamond For Black Diamond Global Athlete Babsi Zangerl, climbing the intimidating Bellavista, one of the hardest alpine multi-pitches... [more]
Upcoming #loveinaction Events! Be part of it!
You want to change the world? DO IT! By sharing your most inspiring and creative story, you might plant a... [more]
From a humanitarian journey to NadiaZ Natural Haute Parfumerie: Emotion by Essence.
Text: Nadia Zuador The NadiaZ mission is to celebrate and care for diversity in all forms of life – as... [more]
One more day to submit your action photography to Red Bull Illume!
You have one more day to submit your most beautiful photography and participate to the world’s greatest international photography contest dedicated to... [more]
We and the Earth are One
Text: Thich Nhat Hanh The Earth is our mother, nourishing and protecting us in every moment–giving us air to breathe,... [more]
Red Bull Illume
Red Bull Illume: What’s in it for you? Red Bull Illume has always aimed the spotlight squarely on photographers. This... [more]
Conscious Step
Text & Image : Conscious Step Conscious Step was built around something simple in concept, but infinitely powerful in... [more]
What brings you to life?
Texte / Benjamin Schmid What brings you to life? We THINK we are alive But act more like mechanical machines... [more]
My trip to “The Jungle”
Texte / Thierry Peuchot Good afternoon everyone, Over the holidays, as we were exploring on ways to give back to... [more]
Nicolas Bamert
Out of Switzerland. He’s also called The Original, the artist, the guy who wanted to be a professional snowboarder but... [more]
Wood Stock Création
Text: Lilian Durey Wood Stock Creation is the story of the value we give up on things ! ... [more]
cooperative of photography
Besides producing unique photography apparel and a glossy online magazine, the Cooperative of Photography is known for having one of... [more]
Candide Thovex Maps Mont Blanc
Verbier, CH January 21, 2016 Google Maps has released Street View Imagery of the Mont Blanc, the highest mountain peak... [more]
Rethink bag
Text: Picture Organic Clothing In addition to being made of 30% recycled polyester and certified OEK O-TE X® 100 (free... [more]
Girls Skate India
Text: Indian Skate Girls Bengaluru: Skateboarding would seem like the last place for the new wave of feminism to raise its... [more]
Share a dream
We are a group of friends that have just graduated from university. We are linked by a common idea, which... [more]
Hans Zimmer live on tour
He is such an endlessly beautiful inspiration. Hans Zimmer, the Composer of some of the greatest filmmusics out there, is... [more]
Breath of Fire – Design, Eco & Fashion
Breath of Fire Eco & Yogafashion is a family enterprise created in 2006 by Cornelia Kauhs. Do It Yourself! Since... [more]
1% for the Planet
Text : Brodie O’Brien / Image : One Percent for the Planet Yvon Chouinard (Patagonia) and Craig Mathews (Blue... [more]
The Pull of The Mountain
Text: Jeremy Jones I stepped onto a snowboard for the first time thirty years ago in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. On... [more]
Benoît Goncerut
Out of Switzerland. The same words as for Arnaud Cottet can be used for Benoît, the quite force behind this... [more]
PETA Foundation
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation is a UK-based charity dedicated to establishing and protecting the... [more]
Give & Need
Text: Silvan Groher Free Trading for Refugees Give & Need connects people who urgently need things with people who can... [more]
Goodboards & Goodschi
Text: Josef Holub After over 25 years within the snowboard industry, a couple years ago I decided to make my... [more]
Someone is looking up to you
Healing words by: Neale Donald Walsch On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know… that... [more]
Out of France. Loveliness in person! Since many years already, Vanessa is a steady value to our 7sky team. The... [more]
Text : Primaloft / Image : Primaloft Primaloft is the global research and development leader in high-performance insulations and... [more]
Sustainable Apparel Coalition
Text : Sustainable Apparel Coalition / Image : Sustainable Apparel Coalition Sustainable Apparel Coalition is a trade organization comprised of... [more]
Kleihd – first clothing library in Switzerland
Text: Tilla Kleihd Welcome to your first clothing library! We share clothing and offer you wearables for men and women:... [more]
15’000 km by bike with a baby
Text: Céline Pasche 50’000km by bike including 15’000km with a baby. Step by step, we took our daughter in this... [more]
Charter for Compassion
On February 28, 2008 acclaimed scholar and bestselling author Karen Armstrong received the TED Prize and made a wish—to help... [more]
The 100 Million Campaign
Text : Fiona Zanetti The 100 Million Campaign aims to save 100 Million liters of water in Shanghai by replacing all... [more]
Cardboard Guitare
Text: Marc Wierenga A few months ago we started on our new episode of Cardboard Chaos. If you don’t know... [more]
I am Nature
I am the Choices I make! Amazing spot-realisation by WWF. I am the nostalgie that can’t wait any longer. Let’s... [more]
Kristina Bazan
Text : Fiona Zanetti / Image : James Chardon I met Kristina during a project about our common passion:... [more]
UNICEF Tap Project
Text : Fiona Zanetti / Image : UNICEF New smartphone challenge to help provide clean drinking water to children... [more]
Text : Fiona Zanetti / Image : Ban Bossy “When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a “leader.”... [more]
Sina Candrian
Out of Switzerland. She is our first swiss national lady in snowboarding, 4th in the Olympics in Sochi – a... [more]
Canoe of Life – Sarayaku
Text: Saryaku, Marc Silver and The Guardian A year ago, Amazon Watch was asked by our long-time allies from Sarayaku... [more]
Le Coeur des Alpes
You want to experience this unique place in the heart of the Swiss Alps, where love reigns over all, where... [more]
Our values The time has come to ask ourselves why we do what we do? Well, our response is... [more]
Text: Cristina Ramp Last weekend my husband had a snowboard testweekend (with his shop radix zürich) in Adelboden Lenk. I... [more]
Racing extinction
Text: Madison Kotack We’re entering the sixth mass extinction in Earth’s history, and it’s totally our fault. Even worse? We... [more]
Kevin Pearce, From Crash to Giving Back
Text : Stéphanie Etienne / Image : Embry Rucker Kevin Pearce was one of the best snowboarder of all... [more]
Fitn’tasty / Imagine a juice
Text: Wendy Vanhonacker Imagine a juice… Imagine a juice which contains exactly what a juice is expected to have, and... [more]
Hut to Hut Biking in Guatemala
Texte / Tom Oehler and Stefan Voitl Jan. 2015 A young man; 18 year old Kevin, stands on a dusty... [more]
What Dreams May Come
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : All rights reserved This film came out in 1998 and features Robin Williams... [more]
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : All rights reserved What happens with a Buddhist, when he comes out... [more]
Spring, summer, fall, winter — and spring
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : All rights reserved This is the story of a Buddhist monk who... [more]
The Last Unicorn
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : The Last Unicorn This is a cartoon, showing the discovery of the... [more]
Pachuca’s artwork
Isn’t it just beautiful to see that while pulling together, while letting art reign, whole attitudes change? People who haven’t... [more]
A letter to our daughter
Text: Mark Zuckerberg Dear Max, Your mother and I don’t yet have the words to describe the hope you give... [more]
Sophie Villard
Out of France. We had the great chance to meet and collaborate with this exceptional PR lady in the charge... [more]
Guy Joseph
Text : Tosca Waeber / Image : All rights reserved Guy was a free spirit and adventurer. Divebuddy and... [more]
Buycott App
Text : Fiona Zanetti / Image : Buycott Have you ever wondered whether the money you spend ends up... [more]
Silent Power
Text: Danielle Parla When we live for authenticity and truth, we are connected to a place of deep personal power;... [more]
How we proceed
You submit your posts, letters, stories and we read all the beautiful messages you want to offer to the world,... [more]
Coco Tâche-Berther
She is a luminous human being giving off joy, love and sincerity. Coco has this very special thing to consider... [more]
What a movement! What a lady behind this movement that has within 5-6 years conquered the world. Longboard Girls Crew... [more]
Schtifti our Love! Since the Foundation started first in 2003 in Switzerland, we’re big fans of this movement and the... [more]
Text: Coco Tâche-Berther The spirit to succeed: Keep walking! It was 2004 when Yves had his snowboard accident and broke... [more]
The name says it all. No Difference is a Foundation with its sole aim to help people with motor and... [more]
Pet Recycling Switzerland was one of these companies who offered us their wings and let us excel for them! Photoshootings,... [more]
A moment capture
Text : Sonia Birrer I walked past a guy today that was talking to some imaginary enemy in the... [more]
Who we are
We are 7sky, since 1990… A magazine and two publishers – Coco Tâche-Berther and Benny Tâche – from Switzerland, dreaming... [more]
The Magazine
Page: (download + subscription formulary) The articles published in the magazine are ‘la crème de la crème’ of the articles... [more]
Tell us Your Story | eng/fr/de
This is the the space where you can share your story. Stories from the heart, stories that have made you... [more]
Mission Blue
Text: Sylvia Earl / Image: Timothy Allen “60 years ago, when I began exploring the ocean, no one imagined that... [more]
Animal Ad Campains that tell the Truth
Text & Image: Bored Panda Animals don’t have any way to raise awareness about the issues they face, so... [more]
Clowns without Borders
Text & Image: CWB Clowns Without Borders offers laughter to relieve the suffering of all persons, especially children, who... [more]
Text : Anaïd Lindemann / Image : beyondBeanie Rock beanie. Change a life. Who never felt guilty at hearing... [more]
Protect Our Winters
Text & Image : POW Protect Our Winters (POW) was started in 2007 by pro snowboarder Jeremy Jones who... [more]
Wild-berries CREW
Text : Stanimira Karadocheva I started snowboarding in 2002 – I’m 30 years old now. I was riding with... [more]
A Creative Lifestyle
Text : Christine Waeber This wonderful portrait is about the professional and personal passions of my beloved husband, founder... [more]
Text : Fiona Zanetti Nigeria is a difficult place, with mostly bad days since the terrorist group Boko Haram... [more]
Solo Surfboards
Text : Nicola Loher “Move from fantasy to reality has consequences: we realize that the world is as we... [more]
Love Your Brain
Text : Love Your Brain LoveYourBrain creates, curates and collaborates with forwarding-thinking designers and organizations to develop products and experiences... [more]
Future of Fish
Text : Future of Fish We envision a global seafood supply chain that produces legal, traceable, trustworthy fish; that... [more]
Over Grow The System
Text : Over Grow The System It has been dedicated to raising awareness around our food system, sustainability, and... [more]
All Bounderies are Conventions
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther I’ll never forget the day when I’ve done the interview with Tom Tykwer for our... [more]
Never too old to shift
Text : Christine Waeber You’re never too old to shift – even when it’s only to enter a plane.... [more]
Let’s stop bullying. To This Day Project
Text : Fiona Zanetti / Image : To This Day Project Shane Koycan wrote a poem/song about bullying, a... [more]
Gorillas in the Mist
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : Gorillas in the Mist Sigourney Weaver plays Diane Fossey, a wonderful, incredible... [more]
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : Avatar Avatar was maybe the movie that had the greatest resonance in... [more]
Paï, the Whale Rider
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : Paï, The Whale Rider It is an absolute fantastic story of a... [more]
The Last Mimzy
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : The Last Mimzy Another film that was a great personal revelation for... [more]
What Makes You Happy?
This is a video-spot we’ve created with Nicolas Müller and PET Recycling Switzerland, just in order to bring the reflection... [more]
How do you Inspire?
It’s a video-spot that reflects teenagers lifestyles and their influence of kids! We could consider ourselves very lucky to have... [more]
This is Who I am
It is a video that deeply dives into the life of this young snowboarder Pat Burgener and reflects his inner... [more]
We are the World
Text: Coco Tâche-Berther / Image: All rights reserved Not many words are needed to describe this wonderful song, written... [more]
Russell Brand
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther / Image : All rights reserved He might be one of the less understood people... [more]
Patience pays
Text : Coco Tâche-Berther Wait. Let the hand of God work for you. The One who has created you,... [more]
L’humanisme de Rajesh Kumar Sharma
Texte : Mike Ammann / Image : Simon de Trey White La bonté nous laisse découvrir l’un de ses... [more]
