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Everything You Need To Know About 5G & The Solutions To Stop It – Free Summit


  • The Facts:The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit kicks off soon and will bring together the top experts in the space who can help make sense of the 5G issue and bring together solutions to stop it.
  • Reflect On:Should we really be unveiling a technology that is not safety tested? Should we listen to the thousands of scientists showing concern? Sign up to this summit so you don’t miss the latest in what’s unfolding with 5G.

We get more emails and questions from people seeking information and solutions to 5G than we do anything else, and it totally makes sense because this is a global health crisis that truly affects us all.

Coming up soon is the 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability SummitIt’s an online summit with a ton of incredible speakers that will inform you on the latest information regarding 5G, what’s going on and the solutions that are coming to the table.

I did an interview for this summit and it gave me an opportunity to talk about what I feel is going on with 5G and the consciousness implications of it…

I also talked about:

  • Analysis of Trump, Q Anon, and other “narrative” storylines in pushing 5G
  • How to bring people closer together
  • Empowering the conscious meta-shift that’s underway

As always, the approach I took to my interview was exploring the world events taking place and understanding the metaphysics of it as it’s within the metaphysics that we understand how to create the change and not move forward in fear.

–>> Save your spot and learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this free, online event.

 If you’re not all that aware of why people are concerned about 5G it boils down to a few key facts. The telecom industry HAS NOT shown 5G to be safe for your health or privacy — yet THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies show otherwise — and they’re building it anyway.

Hundreds of scientists from 40 different countries have reached out to the United Nations and the FCC, asking them to consider health risks and environmental issues before rapidly deploying 5G — because these researchers have studies that show adverse biological and health effects from EMF sources.

5G uses a higher frequency in its transmission and therefore travels shorter distances than our current wireless signals, this means the frequency has to be A LOT more powerful than what we are used to.

To make up for the short distance travel capability, millions more signal transmitters need to be installed around cities and neighbourhoods to get coverage. Each tower will emit radiation at levels known to cause cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm… especially to our children, who are most at risk.

It may be concerning, and that’s because it is a really bad idea… but we can stop it…

Join us at the 5G Crisis summit to discover:

● My awesome interview! 😉
● 5G defined: research, facts and awareness
● Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation
● Sources of wireless radiation and “dirty electricity” in your home
● Link between 5G, Al and global surveillance
● How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G
● Simple, empowering actions you can take, here and now
● Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies
● And more!

My two good friends, whom I’ve been speaking with about 5G for months now, Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji are the hosts for this event.

If you’re hungry for cutting-edge information with life-saving consequences, and want to be part of a movement dedicated to empowering ourselves and humanity, join us for this event!

—>>I’ll see you online at The 5G Crisis Summit when you register today!

You Can Help Stop The 5G Infrastructure

We plan to investigate the telecom industry, it’s ties to politics, and expose its efforts to push 5G while ignoring the dangers and without proper safety testing, but we can’t do it without your support.

We’ve launched a funding campaign to fuel our efforts on this matter as we are confident we can make a difference and have a strong plan to get it done.

Check out our plan and join our campaign here.

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STOP 5G - WHY WE NEED TO MOBILISE ? Official flyer of the manifestation


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