The earth relies us all
By Christina von Dreien Dear friends, Especially now, with the times as they are, we need to be particularly grounded.... [more]
Good thoughts and New Earth Manifesto
Dear friends, “Our thoughts are free and no matter what’s going on, we can always decide what we want to... [more]
The earth feels everything
The earth feels everything We are all so busy at the moment with the issues that come to us almost... [more]
Keep your Fokus on the Good
By Christina von Dreien Dear friends, Right now, it may seem to many of us that everything is only getting... [more]
A new earth. As if she had put on a new dress
By Christina von Dreien Dear ones, A few days ago I had a dream that reminded me of the current... [more]
Islands of light
By Christina von Dreien Dear Friends, Christmas should be a particularly special time of peace and harmony, a time in... [more]
Nahuatl liberation blessing
I free my parents from the feeling that they have failed with me. I free my children from the need... [more]
Realities are created
From Christina von Dreien Dear ones, The time has now come to be more restricted on the physical plane again.... [more]
Dark night of the soul… until love takes over
Dear ones, When you are in a “dark night of the soul”, you no longer feel the connection to your... [more]
About the soul
By Christina von Dreien Dear ones, The other day someone asked me what the soul actually is. It depends on... [more]
What is real intelligence?
Dear ones, Lately I often hear people say that thanks to Corona people are “waking up” at the moment when... [more]
Same goal, different tasks
By Christina von Dreien Dear ones, It’s already June. Summer’s here. When I look at nature, I feel like it’s... [more]
Choose love
By Christina von Dreien Dear ones, Currently we hear almost only about Corona and so many of our thoughts are... [more]
Keep the light up
By Christina von Dreien Dear ones, An incredible number of things are happening right now. We find a lot of... [more]
Here the social masks may be left at the entry, and there is no need for social politeness. Here is... [more]
A few encouraging words from Christina von Dreien
Dear ones, I think we all realize that our life no longer follows the path it has followed. For many... [more]
The subtle level of nature and its elemental beings
By Christina von Dreien Dear ones, Have you ever heard the stories of giant vegetables? Did you know that there... [more]
The Vision of Free Energy
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. Nicola Tesla... [more]
Aureus Equus – Horse Wisdom for the Human Heart
From my own experience and that of many clients, I know the profound and transformative impact of working with horses.... [more]
Living Landscape – Healed and Loved
We are planting trees in Dahab, Egypt. In the group we have an arborist, photographer, musician, carpenter, gardener, communication coach... [more]
Gangeshvaralinga – Universal Centre for Free Peace
A place of real encounter with the divine world and cosmic mysteries. The temple will be built as a centre... [more]