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From 7pm, let’s pave the way for the 8th 7sky.life Connection, which promises to be transformative.

What a joy to be surrounded by such incredible beings!

It is the talented Cesar Correa, a true piano virtuoso, who will welcome you to the magnificent Paderewski Hall, followed by Marianne Sébastien who will bring our VOICE to life!

Marianne Sébastien, a speaker from a previous 7sky.life Connection is the leader of the “VOIX LIBRE” movement. In 26 years, her organization, a new model of an inclusive and caring society, has been able to lift more than 2.6 million women and children in Bolivia out of poverty, abuse and mines. With her chants, she helps them to reconnect with their inner strength and with her existing support system, to experience unconditional love. All the women who have been able to benefit from the help of Voix Libre, among others 125,000 beneficiaries of microcredits, are in turn becoming sources of inspiration for others. And the orphaned children who were cradled 20 years ago in the ‘houses of kindness’ of Voix libres are leaders today and teach non-violence in prisons, in the army and in the police! Marianne Sébastien also organizes chanting workshops and organizes conventions.

More information: http://www.voixlibres.org/

Co-Translated from French with www.DeepL.com/Translator

Coco Tache supports

7sky.life Connection VIII Lausanne Conference - dreaming & daring, 7th November 2019


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