The money
Extensive program.
We blame it, we adore it.
We’re short of it, nobody cares.
We run after it, we reject it
So many contrary and individual attitudes in the relationship to this energy, called money.
So much misunderstanding of the origins of this vibration, this color, GOLD, which, rehabilitated to its functions, spreads so much goodness throughout the world.
In the past, money was a pretext for manipulation and oppression, sometimes torment.
Put under the colors of a masculine energy, of power and direction.
Chaptered by the societies set up by reptilians; devious aliens drinking from the fears and torments of divine humans (that we all are).
Today, let us restore money to its original value.
——— GOLD —————
The GOLD of the soul,
Of kindness
The gold of generosity.
The vibration, GOLD, that dwells in you, is that of life, of the radiance of the joy of being simply oneself!
In the new paradigm, when you are you, everything is fine. (Lol)
You radiate the power of your essential vibration (OR color) and receive in return what you sow (of GOLD).
In this new world we are creating, being in your heart creates gold.
For this world is Love. In fact, Love is living.
This gold, manifested by money, makes it possible to be magnanimous, in joy, simplicity and sharing.
In this way, a world of respect, mutual aid and light is created.
So tell me, why are you hiding?
Why are you saving your light? Yet it is so vast and generous.
It is abundant!
It is the LIFE
Open your heart, take your place and let money abound to create the new paradigm where love, peace and prosperity meet.
Love – GOLD
Co-translated from French with