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Nicolas Vaudroz

He is painter, fully conscious and a talented snowboarder, a father and a life artist. His entire life is a translation of consciousness and you want to see his beautiful tender paintings, reflecting our deep states, or the art-works he does in collaboration with others. He melts cultures and religions into unity! Nicolas is a door-opener to the great invisible world out there, which he accesses through meditation and riding, and he totally enables each one going there with ease in his company. Each time you come into his presence, he offers you a part of his deepest being and wait until you see the catholic church in Leysin, where he created a few years ago, over a time of 9 months an awesome artwork, uniting all the cultures of Leysin’s people! What a step for the catholic church, to open up to this awesome spirituality. While assisting the inauguration ceremony, we totally had the impression to have arrived in a new decade, so much were we touched by Nicolas and his wife Sol’s genius artwork! Here, our favorite phrase and statement, ‘together, we make it happen’, takes all the sens. A masterpiece. Such as Nicolas and his awesome family themselves.

Coco Tache supports

Amanda Grogg


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