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You’ve created your profile on 7sky.life. Thank you and Welcome to the 7sky.life Heart Connection Tribe.

From now on, you can start posting your stories and comment those of the others.

7sky.life is a platform that works for a positive evolution of our World. We therefore approve all your high vibration posts: stories that help evolve our world into more joy and creativity, driven by the 7sky.life values of beauty, positivity, love and responsibility.

All political, religious, racist and low vibration content will be excluded.

With your publication on 7sky.life, you give the right to other people, platforms, blogs and newspapers to publish your story in your name. Please make sure to name the photographer of your submitted photo, and to name the author if the story is not yours.

If approved by the 7sky.life Dreamteam, your story will be published within two working days. We do reserve the right to make small changes in your text in order to keep a grammatical and vibrational coherence.

We couldn’t be happier to having you with us on 7sky.life. Each one of us is an important piece of the puzzle which is part of the whole beautiful picture.

Thank you for spreading the word! Together, we make it happen, and creating our world of tomorrow… today.


You need more info, send send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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