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Take your shoes off, if you want to be healthy. The Science of Grounding.

End of 2017, a very interesting video came out that hit the consciousness of many humans. And what if our mother earth can heal us from many body aches if we are directly in contact with her ? Grounding or earthing means to put our body directly in uninterrupted contact with the earth. Be it soil, sand, water, or another conductive surface.

It is said that the earth has a negative charge. And our bodies a positive one. By exposing our bodies to the earth, electrons from the earth, that we usually get through nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, and plant substances known as ‘polyphenols’ (found in, among other things in tea, coffee, cocoa and apples), the body returns to a neutral state. Makes kind of sens, no ?

So let’s do it !

Coco Tache supports

Plant-based anti-ageing product proven to decrease biological ageing


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