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We span a grid of light around the world, with Aurelia Wasser

We have truly arrived at a great time. A time when people are revealing themselves in all their greatness and strength. Where they accept their tasks and begin to radiate them generously into the world.

Aurelia Wasser is such a person, through whom the IT has a tangible effect. I was allowed to spend 10 days with the artist in the desert, and I am happy to give you herewith a small insight into the life of this wonderful woman, who presents us in this interview the great mission that she has received from the spiritual world…

We can all look forward to the 9 Ambassadors of Light who will take up their offices on this great date of March 23, 2023 at the Jonathan Seminar House.

Aurelia’s homepage: https://www.aurelia-wasser.com/

(you can check out the english translation of the video underneath. It’s not in a perfect english, but you definitely can understand what’s it all about..)


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