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We are with you, Joschua, son of Aurelia Wasser… prayer circle

One day ago, Joschua, son of Aurelia Wasser, our ‘Creator’ of the Ambassadors of Light, suffered a serious car accident. Since then, he has been in critical condition. Our Telegram group, ‘Ambassadors of Light,’ has now opened a 24-hour prayer circle to give Joschua and his family every chance for him to continue being on our beautiful planet Earth and making an impact. Here, on this Google Doc, you can sign up for the prayer circle.

Let us all witness the sacred power of community!

Thank you, thank you to all of you and to all of us…


We connect with you, Joschua, son of Aurelia…

We think of you… We connect with you… And we ask the Source to guide us during this hour so that you may receive the highest possible energy, if it is also for your highest divine good.

We are connected with heaven and earth, the elements, the four directions, and our spiritual guides… and we feel how we ourselves are surrounded by light and love.

We are deeply connected with our hearts and with the Source, feeling the connection, and we also invite our spiritual team and the Ambassadors of Light to accompany you in the healing process and to share their soul energy with you.

We feel how our energy of love and light reaches you with every exhale, and how the energy of love and light fills us with every inhale.

We perceive the silence within you, and we visualize the connection with your ancestors, who now also make themselves available to you with their complete love and power.

We ask the heavenly doctors, your spirit guides, and your angels to fully embrace you and to use their healing powers for you. We feel the connection you have with the field of consciousness and allow all the helpers, including dolphins, whales, and power animals, who are waiting for guidance, and if it is also in your best interest, to join you through the sacred Christ energy.

We feel the sacred space within and around us, and this vibrant energy that flows, and how the heavenly forces collaborate with the forces of your ancestors. We feel deep within ourselves and simultaneously visualize how your own healing powers are stimulated by this.

May your most authentic medicine now flow into you.

(Some possibilities of what we can do during this hour… feel free to add).

Playing an instrument
Practicing silence
Listening to music
Going for a walk

Everything we do in this sacred hour is dedicated to your healing.
So be it and so it is…
Amen, and with you, Aurelia, and your family.

Please sign up for the prayer circle here:



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