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All decisions must be managed by and for love

By Anne Givaudon; Les Solaires :

Brothers and Sisters, daughters and sons of the ONE we greet you.
If we are with you today, it is not to add extra stress to the existing ones.
Destabilization and fears are now part of your daily life. You are on the verge of living, of putting into practice what we have taught you for so long.
Today you are going to have to move to a level that asks you to totally trust that part of you that knows and has accepted to be incarnated in the world that is yours and at this very moment.
This means that all your decisions must be managed by and for love. This does not eliminate your common sense that is obvious… it is simply essential that, whatever your choices, even in the simplest decisions, an energy of love, which can be compassion or joy, accompanies your actions.
A beggar, a shopkeeper, a colleague doesn’t just deserve a coin, a smile or a thank you. The moment you see the divine in each one of them, then his life and yours will take on another meaning. This is how, little by little and faster than you can imagine, the vibratory state of your planet will change and put you out of reach of the harmful waves and orders that break out every day.
Be serene with regard to orders and counter-orders, organize yourself, as we have already suggested, in a network.
Far be it from us to minimize the ordeal which is yours at this time. We know the stakes behind it…however you cannot ignore what awaits you either.
Nothing is completely played out and fortunately everything still depends on the awakening of humanity or of each one if you prefer, knowing that a minority will always lead to a majority of “followers”.
The planet is currently in the hands of a small group of humans and hybrid beings who obey much more powerful and out of earth beings. What these leaders do not know is that once their work is done, nothing will protect them from programmed destruction.
Sometimes you may be surprised or shocked by certain events that happen on your planet and seem to have come out of a magician’s hat… And if we told you that everything has been planned for a long time, whether it is what you are experiencing, whether it is ” terrorist attacks ” or others, nothing is left to chance.
The Covid itself is a decoy that focuses your mind on this “pandemic” while other much more dangerous issues are being put in place.
Don’t take the finger pointing to the moon for the moon itself.
We therefore suggest that you stop watching the same information over and over again and live. More and more human beings are waking up, you are one of them, we have no doubt about it. Do what you have to do as you can but it is not what you will do that will be essential but the heart energy that accompanies it. We will keep telling you this over and over again.
Lust, attraction to glory, power are factors that have ruled your world for too long.
We are not talking about bad or good or dark or light power. They are simply what they are and what you have let them become, no more and no less.
When one of our envoys chose to give the general public what you call free energies, his work was hidden from the eyes of the people and the earth was 100 years behind schedule at that time, simply to preserve the power of a few of your own.
Today knowledge continues to belong to a minority that has no intention of using it for the good of humanity.
The second phase that is coming will see a significant elimination of your humanity if nothing changes in you. As you know, the objective is to eliminate those who are considered useless to a government, but the brothers and sisters of the Alliance are already in place to act with you.
You think of science fiction but it is inspired by a probable future.
We don’t have to teach you a lesson, but revolt is not change and whether you are passive or angry does not allow you to access the highest part of yourself.
Your vibrational state is one of the keys that will help you not to fall into the trap but what does it mean?
To surround yourself with beauty, to have gratitude for this world that offers you so much, to generate a little lightness around you and within you.
If you don’t take this step towards us, it is difficult for us to help you, you know that we will not be able to help you in spite of you.
There is one more important point that we want to discuss with you.
Us and our brothers of the stars have always given you our support and more recently during the nuclear accidents that could have had consequences on our worlds, whether it was during an explosion like Fukushima or other.
We will continue to do so, especially when the thousands of 5G satellites surround the earth, because we cannot allow your planet to be destabilized, which will have great repercussions on our own worlds.
We do not wish to detail here the morbid process that has been put into place, it would only increase fear and stress without any interest and thus lower the level of your bodies and your planet.
Just know that we will intervene there again.
In a phase which is not very far away, the beings who want to rule the earth will make you believe in an invasion by beings from other worlds. They will make galactic fleets appear, which is possible for them since they have the technology of ships, but they lack the essential: the heart, the Love that makes our ships advance in the sky.
Beings from other worlds have no need to invade you with intergalactic fleets. Their takeover is much more subtle and has already begun.
The increase of your vibrations, the fact of rediscovering that everything is in you, is what destabilizes them because everything is done to distract you and forget the contact with the biggest and most beautiful part of you.
See the earth as you would like it to be, visualize yourself walking through the beauties it offers, not only around your home but much further away, project yourself and love… then by this attitude, your world will take altitude, an altitude where only joy has its place.
Ask your soul and listen to what it tells you and you will find the most beautiful answers to your questions.
We cannot be more precise because much is in your hands.
It is important to live this period as an initiatory period, look at the flaws that are brought to light in you and that you most certainly think you have solved long ago and you will make a leap forward.
We love you and we salute you.


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The era of materialisme is coming to an end. 21st December 2020 begins the upward curve towards the 5th dimension.


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