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All the masks are falling now, we can no longer say that we didn’t know

Dear souls,

You are going more and more towards the truth, all the masks are falling now, you can no longer say that you didn’t know. You have to move forward now, be more centered in the heart. All the old is falling apart, time is letting go and in the present moment.

The energies are very fast and tire you out, but you are all progressing just as quickly. Your awareness is for many people a brutal awakening… but so necessary.

Nothing will be the same as before, line up as much as you can, recharge your batteries with nature, listen to your soul, meditate, and ask for help from Source. You’ve all been heard! This period of collapse is beneficial to your evolution, and it is a blessed moment, and so much awaited by all.

So do not be in fears and doubts, stay aligned in your Divine Center, everything is perfect and right. These are times of rebirth and renewal, like a caterpillar that comes out of its chrysalis to take flight and go towards the light.

You’re all Butterflies! So keep the joy and Love and hope in your hearts, you are blessed. Spread your wings wide to take flight. We are happy to guide you and to be present at your side for this magnificent ascension.

Free yourself from your chains, which block you, let go of your fears and doubts, let go of all your old patterns, your past, everything that slows you down… and go forward and open yourself to the New World, to new energies. You will not be able to go back now, because these new vibrations will always push you forward. The “Old” times are over, follow the new energy.

This will be difficult for those who do not understand the reason for their blockages, but sooner or later they will also know how to find the key. Then my children, be at peace, everything is perfect. You are being helped in these times more than ever.

Ask for our help, and your prayers will be answered, if they are aligned and centered in your hearts and energies.
We love you.

The Guides of Light.
Cylia Saga

Translated from French with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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Julie Ann - Our mental reacts to fear and our hearts act from love


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