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The Time of the Sixth Sun – about the awakening and transformation of global consciousness

As we move into a more evolved state of being and ascend to a higher level of collective co-creation.
The strength of the film comes from the authenticity and integrity of the speakers: tribal leaders, scientists and visionary thinkers who are the pioneers of our time, each carry a sacred transmission.
Introduced by Greta Scacchi and narrated by Tobias our guide, the film loosely follows the journey of our ‘everyman’ protagonist who is provoked and nudged along on his journey by the ‘trickster’. This story is interwoven with a montage of ‘speakers’ who explore the nature of new energy consciousness, walking us through the steps on our collective evolutionary path.


Stephane Daniel supports

We do not accept that the State leaves the population to fend for itself with regards to the impact of mobile radiation


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