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The path of ascension…

By Ishtar

Dear ones please understand that the path of ascension lies not in leaving your body and becoming something else that your ego mind has conjured for you.
The path to ascension asks of you to walk across the bridge to your divine spirit and embrace the divine light of you on every level of your being and to become one with this.
There is n need to go anywhere dear ones on this journey. choose instead to expand the divine light of your spirit that you are and manifest this divine light on all levels of your being, even unto the physical realm.
For you are the divine light dear ones and you are being asked to become that which you are and not choose to create that which you are not.
Choose dear ones to walk the bridge into the divine light of you. Become as one with yourself for when you create unity and acceptance in yourself then you may embrace all that you are on all levels of your being, in all realms.

Source: Isthar

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20th July 2019, the beginning of a new cycle


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