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Seeing the world through the eyes of children

By Priska Maria Broese:

Three things have remained from paradise:

the stars of the night,
the flowers of the day, and
the eyes of children.
– Dante Alighieri –

What happens if today, yes, right now, we experience and influence this world again with the curiosity, the thirst for knowledge of our children? If we encounter every fly with wonder and value it. If we help the earthworm across the street to the next meadow with honor. If we take delight in the fork, the toothbrush, the deliciously fragrant strawberry in our hands. What happens if we marvel at how beautiful every single bee is sitting on the flower in front of you. If we jump into the air with joy because life presents us with so many gifts in every moment. If we surrender easily and effortlessly to every situation we experience because we don’t know any other way?

What if that’s who we are?
If all of that is within us?
Then we are the bliss, the love that we are.


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