Out of Switzerland… Since birth, Sebastien is tetraplegic, and developed this wonderful sensibility in seeing further than the ‘seen’. When he first met us when he was 15 years old, he stated: “The One, who, through her writing, opens a window to the world’. Today, Sebastien is 25 years old and he hasn’t stopped surprising us with his wisdom, with his words he says and his energy work he generously offers to all the people in need for comfort. We have even seen him put into a deep meditation all over the body tattooed martial artist… ! Who, you can believe us, was greatly astonished once he came back in his body after a 10 minutes off-time. Sebastien is just wonderful, surprising, beautiful, in ease with his handicap and a total life lesson for so many people out there who might very well be captured in her mental prison, while Sebastien shows us that freedom has nothing to do with physical movement, but it’s all in the perception! He even takes busses all on him own, goes to town… works in a stone shop. He is amazing!