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Do you know why people yell at each other when they are angry?


A Hindu sage who was visiting the Ganges to take a bath noticed a group of people screaming in anger one after the other.

He turned to his disciples, smiled and asked:

– Do you know why people yell at each other when they are angry?

The disciples thought about it for a while and one of them said:

– It is because we lose our temper that we shout.

– But why are you screaming when the other person is right next to you, the guide asked.

– Could you not just as well tell him what you have to say in a softer way?

When none of the disciples’ answers were satisfactory enough for the wise man, he finally explained:

– When two people are angry with each other, their hearts are separated by a long distance. To cover this distance, they must scream, because otherwise they are unable to hear each other. The more angry they are, the more they will need to shout loudly in order to cover this great distance.

– What happens when two people fall in love? They do not shout at each other, they speak softly to each other because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either non-existent or very small.

The wise man continued…

– When they love each other even more, what happens then? They whisper and get even closer so that even more love can flow. Finally comes a time when they no longer even need to whisper, they only look at each other and understand each other.

Then he looked at his disciples and said to them:

– So when you talk to each other don’t let your hearts separate you. Don’t say words that keep you in a distance, or there will come a day when the distance will be so great that you won’t find the way back…

Coco Tache supports

7sky.life Connection VIII Lausanne Conference - dreaming & daring, 7th November 2019


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