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right.based on science – For making climate risks tangible

right.based on science (right.) was founded by Hannah Helmke and Sebastian Müller. We founded the company out of the strong desire to demonstrate our convictions practically rather than simply through theoretical means. We believe that a wise and respectful approach to nature – including human nature – is a vital and usually overlooked element that contributes to the good of a society and the health of an economy.

We are a young team of very different people, developping or contributing to develop data for showing companies how they contribute to climate change. We do this by using scientific information on climate change and combine it with company information to show a direct link between companies´ behavior and how the climate is affected by it.

Our deep respect for the blue planet is fed by our fascination of the natural world. In understanding how companies could threaten the natural world, we decided to create a business that enables our customers to start taking nature into the equation. Our vision goes hand in hand with our standards for better and more just business practices, the confidence with which we plan and implement our creative ideas, and our tireless discipline form part of the core values and character of right.

Together and with the help of its customers, right. based on science is on the mission of developing collaborative tools and interactions that will increase the chance of keeping global temperatures under the 2°C target. It is actually a new climat standard, which helps companies to measure their footpring impact in degrees. Contact us, so that we can together elaborate how to concretely lower your impact on climat change.

Marcela Scarpellini supports

Zermatt Summit Foundation - a place where they who care, meet


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