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Never forget why we came here

Dear friends,

These are truly tumultuous times! When we focus on the “outside world”, it can sometimes feel like we’re being tossed about like waves in the ocean.

However, when we pause and listen to our inner selves, we quickly realize how peaceful it is within us and that we have two options:

  1. To be executors of a world that invades us from outside.
  2. Or to live our own reality.

There are individuals who move resolutely, consciously and compassionately along their path, becoming important creators of reality, inspiring and inspiring us to do the same.

These people have understood something very important: as our intellect serves our heart, as our clarity increases, and as we interact with our soul and spirit, more and more doors open towards the realization of our destiny.

I don’t believe we’re here to stand idly by. I believe that each of us, with our talents, gifts and skills, is an essential part of creating a harmonious world – our world of tomorrow.

Even when the storm rages outside.

Let’s never forget why we came here.

And for all the French speakers among you: on October 22, we begin a 40-day journey towards joy, together and free of charge. You can register directly HERE : https://www.cocotache.com

On November 14 at 7:30 p.m., I’m organizing a conference with Jean-Dominique Michel entitled “Piloter notre conscience” at Ateliers de la Côte (VD), because in my opinion, there’s nothing more important right now than bringing our mind, body, soul and spirit into unity.


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