We live in a time of endless virtual connections and very little human connections.
In such times human touch and physical intimacy is very much needed. Humans need this kind of real connection in order to be healthy, both physically and psychologically. Conscious or not about it, many people are starving for physical affection. As published by Science Times touch can ease pain, lift depression and even possibly increase the odds that a professional or sports team will win. But, touch is even more vital than this: babies who are not held and nuzzled and hugged enough will literally stop growing and, if the situation lasts for too long, even if they are receiving proper nutrition they can die. Researchers discovered this when trying to figure out why some orphanages had infant mortality rates around 30-40%. The reason is that those babies, aged zero to five, don’t receive enough human warmth to develop to the fullest of their capacities. This nurturing is necessary for the brain to learn to connect human contact with pleasure. This association is one of the foundations of empathy: we connect first through soothing touch and shared smiles. We now know that touch and hugs are an essential human need, as much as air, food and water are.
When we embrace someone our body releases oxytocin, “the cuddle hormone”, making us feel all warm and cozy. “Oxytocin is a neuropeptide, which basically promotes feelings of devotion, trust and bonding,” De Pauw University Psychologist Matt Hertenstein told NPR, “it really lays the biological foundation and structure for connecting to other people.” Not only, hugging lowers blood pressure, anxieties and benefits the heart’s health. It’s time to hug, hug your friends, your children, your grampa and grandma, collegues and even strangers… You might feel inspired and start a Free Hugging movement in your city. Not long ago I joined in a Free Hugs initiative in Bellinzona, italian side of Switzerland, and walked around the city offering hugs for the sake of it: the instant connection with total strangers of all ages has been one of the most heart warming experiences ever lived! The invitation is to take time to hug, to become an expert at it. Drop your fear of intimacy, your defences, the barriers you’ve built between you and the world and start experimenting real connections. Hug and human touch are medicine!