Raising World consciousness
By Pierre Pradervand Note: In recent years Pierre very often spoke and wrote about the great and urgent need to... [more]
Thoughts on Love and Life, excerpts from Rumi’s poems
What in your life is calling you, when all the noise is silenced, the meetings adjourned… the lists laid aside,... [more]
What does our authority rest upon?
For thousands of years, ever since mankind started settling in cities, we evolved in rigid, patriarchal and extremely authoritarian structures... [more]
Living a Life of Grace
By Madisyn Taylor When we accept that we always exist in a state of grace, we are able to live... [more]
Clean first your own windshield
If your thoughts are focused on judgment, self-condemnation, blame, or self-justification, this is not the time to draw conclusions about... [more]
Creative Listening
“Listening is a true art, be it listening to one’s neighbor or anyone who is suffering, to one’s partner or children, not to mention... [more]
We create our own reality by our way of seeing and interpreting things
“May I learn to discern the perfect plan behind all events of my life. May I see that every single... [more]
A Vision for Love Overflowing
Here is another wonderful Vision from Carol Peacock of Sweetbriars Retreat Center in Springfield, Missouri. Carol says: We envision a... [more]
An unshakable trust under all circumstances
Depending on our own vision of the world, of the universe, of history, it is quite possible for us to... [more]
Reconciling the material and spiritual life
No one is asking you to completely neglect the material life in order to devote yourself solely to meditation and... [more]
A positive vision for 2021
In a world immersed in urgency, with alarm bells ringing left and right and dire predictions for our future, how... [more]
Deep trust in troubled times
“…may I trust Divine Love sufficiently to know that ultimately all is very, very well in the unfolding of the... [more]
Integrity is a quality of being. It means holding on, at all times to your highest sense of truth and... [more]
love is the only way to rescue humanity from all ills…
“Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of... [more]
When contemplation meets action
It is my deep conviction that any meaningful religious or spiritual approach must also really address the key issue of... [more]
Awakening in the Cosmos
Excerpts from Race and the Cosmos: An Invitation to View the World Differently, by Dr. Barbara Homes It is time to... [more]
Living your life as a Love Master
Excerpt from The Top 60 Love Skills You Were Never Taught by Dr. Scott Peck and Shannon Peck – by permission There... [more]
The magic of appreciation
A few years ago, I discovered with wonder a new form of magic: expressing appreciation to others for something they... [more]
Albert Schweitzer: The Purpose of Life and the Full Measure of Man
“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others. Only then... [more]
Am I a world citizen?
We live in an infinitely benevolent, ever loving, universe …. but a very, very strange humanly (dis)organized world! After all, a... [more]
A spiritual purpose behind everything that happens
Chicago Sun-Times Editor’s note: A supposed “open letter from Bill Gates,” the tech billionaire and philanthropist, has been bouncing all... [more]
A Blessing for a Vision of Our Future World
Vision is one of the two or three most needed ingredients to create a new world that works for all.... [more]
Expressing appreciation
There are many activities in our societies that seem of little significance or “unimportant,” but that is such a superficial view of things. It bears repeating that the humblest activity performed with... [more]
The Joy of Service
For one who has discovered the deep, nourishing satisfaction of life lived in a spirit of service, finding opportunities of... [more]
The Meaning of Life… and the gift of unconditional love
Excellence Reporter: Suzanne, what is the meaning of life? Suzanne Giesemann: The answer is simple: You as a soul have temporarily taken on... [more]
Sharing Your Happiness with Others
Your desire to be happy must include others’ happiness. When we serve others, we serve ourselves. Do not think, I... [more]
The power of saying “Yes”
Dr. David Hawkins was one of the best-known US psychiatrists in the last third of the past century, before becoming... [more]