Inhaling deep, exhaling out. By now we all know it, meditation is a huge resource for all of us to be more centred, relaxed, connected to our body-emotions and present. That is why we should start to cultivate these spaces of pure presence very early in our lives. Happily the world is evolving and more and more schools, teachers and institutions are integrating meditation as a part of their programs. An elementary school in Baltimore is using meditation instead of punishments. The school says the program has helped reduce behavior problems and brought much more peacefulness, focus and joy into class. Many studies proved how meditation has a deep influence on our brains, making us less stressed, less tense, more open to learning and receiving, more centered and peaceful. This news is a breath of fresh air and fills us with a sense of hope and possibility. Evolution is happening and it’s going deep, at the roots of this world — nourishing the soil and the new souls with real love through meditation.