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Day D – 2, networking this Thursday, November 7 at 6:00 pm at the Casino de Montbenon

We had always dreamed that real networking would happen at the 7sky.life Connection. May the participants meet, exchange and, together, visualize a world with a humanity that is supported, encouraged and that brings only well-being to the living.
Well… a first stone is laid this Thursday, November 7 during the 8th 7sky.life Connection, where we rented specially a room to get to know each other, to drink incredible Opaline juices or tea and to celebrate life.

In addition, a few stands will allow you to discover products from an ultra-ethical production that support us on a daily basis. Above all, go and discover them. They are all real treasures!

We’re talking…

From Wil.life, an innovative textile for health
From Lotus Yoga to Echallens, a place to meet, share and feel good.
From Breath of fire, eco & yoga fashion Switzerland
From the Association Voix Libres – Acting makes you so happy
From Raw-Lab – Healthy and gourmet nomadic cuisine
Workshops SY – Switzerland – Semi precious stones, Lausanne
And two more to come….

We look forward to welcoming you there…

Dreamteam supports

7sky.life Connection VIII Lausanne Conference - dreaming & daring, 7th November 2019


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