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Joëlle Chautems

Out of Switzerland… She came to our house as a geo biologist and left as a friend. It was easy to recognize this wonderful light being, publisher of several books talking about high vibrations locations in the French part of Switzerland, such as a book about the extraordinary trees, the enhanced walks, the highly vibrating locations of Switzerland, their healing skills for men and women and indigo children. While in her presence, Joelle offers you a glance of her magic, wonderful and amazing world and we wouldn’t be surprised if she carried as a second name, ‘Alice of the Wonderland’! Before meeting her, we hadn’t met consciously a person who so much incarnated the fairy and energetic world! She is a clear translator and messenger from the invisible world and meeting her opens the vision and expands the perception of things that surround you!

Watch here her interview for RTS

Coco Tache supports

Christian Struchen


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