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I choose to live free… I will not live confined, locked up, isolated…

Text: Nicolas Grandjean

I will continue to get out of my house and go for a walk!
I will receive in my home who I want and when I want! I will go wherever I want! And if I come across a policeman, a man like any other, I will discuss quietly with him and explain to him the validity of my approach and my choice to live free and I will see… I’ll take the risk!
I choose to breathe air, not my CO2 and toxins. Moreover it is written on the boxes of masks that they are useless against viruses & bacteria, and even the WHO says so! I do not put the health of others in danger…
If I believed that wearing a mask protects others from viruses, then I would have to wear it all the time, everywhere and for life to protect them from all transmissible airborne diseases!
When I am sick, I stay at home and isolate myself until I am completely cured.
I do not use hydro alcoholic gel.
Used frequently, it is very damaging to the skin and even seems to be carcinogenic. Regular hand washing is sufficient…
I do not practice social distancing…
Collective immunity is the best barrier against viruses. I will not deprive myself of physical contact, warm hugs and cuddles. It’s so good and it’s vital!
I am not getting tested and I will not get tested…
I listen to my body, it tests for me and knows if I am healthy or not.
When I’m sick, I feel it and treat myself. There are effective remedies, including for coronaviruses.
I never get and will never get vaccinated…
I choose to trust my immune system that has protected me since birth and I try to maintain and strengthen it every day through food, super foods, but also through physical and creative activities…
My body doesn’t like mercury, aluminum or any other harmful substances present in vaccines. Moreover, no independent scientific study proves the effectiveness of these vaccines…
I don’t listen to the mass media…
I chose a long time ago to turn off the TV, to stop listening to media propaganda and the lies of these corrupt manipulators, at the service of billionaires and lobbies, whose only goal is to create division and fear!
I will not sink into fear…
I do not listen to the “flippésdelacovid”…
I have chosen to surround myself with people who are thoughtful, positive and awake.
In fact, I distance myself from all ill-intentioned people.
I avoid as much as possible wasting my time with obtuse and manipulable people. I have understood that it is useless to try to make a donkey drink when it is not thirsty!

Life is beautiful and I chose to live, free!
I advocate love and trust in life!
I keep faith in human beings and I am deeply convinced that despite appearances, a better world is coming!
The awakening of consciences is on the march! Its flow is powerful and communicative and nothing and no one will be able to stop it from now on!
Together we are stronger!
Together we will go further!
Hearts up!

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