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Breathing freedom – breathing for freedom

When we start listening to the intelligence of our heart again,
when we begin to feel authentic again,
then we will no longer force a child to wear a mask to breathe an overdose of CO2 into their small lungs,
then we won’t tell any more children that it is wrong to play with other children, to roll over the floor with them,
to whisper secrets into their ears, to cuddle too affectionately or to playfully tussle.
We will no longer tell them that they are a danger to their beloved grandparents
or that they kill other children when they take off their mask.
When we start listening to the intelligence of our heart again,
when we begin to feel authentic again,
then we will tear the masks off the faces of ourselves and our children,
we will be able to give them our smile again,
we will take them in our arms and tell them how much we love them,
what wonderful beings they are.
We will take them by the hand and walk with them across the meadows and through the woods
and we will rejoice and give thanks that we have been given a life
and we will breathe the fresh air – the oxygen, which will be with us in every moment
from the earth, the plants and the trees.
And in the whisper of the plants, the gurgling of the waters,
We will listen to the sound of the wind and we will recognize who we really are.

Catharina Roland supports

Trust in this very moment. With Dr. Bruce Lipton.


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