12 years ago, Yves broke his 6th vertebra at a snowboard accident and is since then paraplegic. But against all odds, he feels and deeply knows that one day, he’ll walk again. He started to align all possibilities to make his dream come through and became a specialist in ayurvedic medicine and many alternative medicines, such as vibration-work, sound and more. With no satisfying results, he underwent surgery, which helped him re-establish the connection between his upper and lower body. Yves gained strength and muscles, became absolutely independant physically from parents, friends and nurses and started to do a recovery treatment unique to himself, leading him to the top recovery places on the earth. He suffered and still suffers great on-holding pain in relation with his bladder and became a guinea pig for divers doctors who tried out new methods on him. Since day one, we know that Yves is going to walk again, and we do know that his ‘Swiss Recovery Center’, which is about to be launched, will bring the answer and hope to so many people out there, suffocating the same destiny as Yves. With his whole heart, he passes his understandings and observations further on, avoiding the people in the same position to do the same errors over and over again. Yves is a living lexicon for all questions you might possibly have in terms of recovery, therapy-results, hope, centers of the world, great doctors and non goes. Yves is a life lesson!