Out of Switzerland… Juhuuuu Thierry, yogateacher, marketing manager of Skullcandy Europe, beautiful soul, super to work with. He has entered our lives a few years ago, while responding to one of the letters we had sent out, this is how we recognize our soul family,.. Since then, we’ve done many collaborations with Skullcandy, 7sky, Women in Board and Actionsports, and each time, the gatherings we organized together were a sheer success, each and every one under the sign of joy, sharing, laughing and connecting! We just love Thierry’s sensitivity for the other, and when he looks into your eyes, you know, that he ‘sees’ you, and you see him in return! His kindness is gorgeous and we feel so grateful and happy to have him with us on the boat! Oh, how much we love these magical encounters who have a beginning, but no end in view. Mutual progression, empowerment and progression. What else? Also called magic in action! Thierry, we love you!