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Do we accept this turning point, do we accompany it with joy ?

By Barbara Steudler

I have to admit that I’m quite fed up with this emotional and delirious talk about the crisis, or even with the emotional manipulation in which a good part of the collective consciousness finds itself. Okay, we’re in the midst of change. But it’s not new, it didn’t happen the day before yesterday. We have been working on solutions for 15 years through the NiceFuture projects. And this delirium of panic over the collapse that is paralyzing everyone, I find it increasingly unworthy of our humanity and our gifts of resilience, creativity and transcendence. Climate change, peaking oil, the disappearance of species, our disconnection from life, this systemic crisis is above all a call for change, for us to reconnect, to live differently and so much the better!

The real question today is: do we accept this turning point, do we accompany it with joy and enter together into the greatest transformation of lifestyle and thought that we have ever accomplished?
Every crisis turns into a transformation – desired or constrained – and can become the most beautiful blossoming of life if we accept to accompany the change. And to begin with, perhaps we need to have the courage to resolve the first inner crisis, that of the thought that does not want to change. Yes, everything has changed and will change a lot more! The ancient, pyramidal, technocratic, ultra-sectorized world is changing and so much the better.

Nature in its crises always makes room for new possibilities and positive changes. For many ancient cultures and wisdoms, turning points (or crises) are the only means that life offers us to change and evolve.
Finding our balance, contributing at our own pace, smoothly and taking our place in the world to come is the goal of the two NiceLabs I propose next month with collective and individual work.

And on the side of NiceFuture we are entering a new cycle. A concrete, exciting, matter-related cycle, with a movement of actors engaged in the field with whom we are identifying the bases for the implementation of a new regenerative society – building on concrete foundations that have already been achieved on a number of human ecosystems linked to small territories.

We are going to launch a research programme together on the solutions that exist around these regenerative (or enhancing) logics. We are actively looking for places in Switzerland, which we want to explore as a living laboratory today as much on the levels of habitat, governance, health, ecosystem dynamics (human and functional) linked to these territories, learning in the broad sense (from education to entrepreneurial culture), and of course in relation to the Earth. All these dimensions are obviously developed with the aim of reconnecting with the logics of life and living things. These are new skills, new knowledge and know-how that this change offers us. And what is wonderful is that this knowledge reconnects us to our autonomy, to our gifts, to our ability to link up and to the living.

Those who want to take this turning point with us are welcome!

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