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Cleaning- and taking responsability for the state of our soul – by Christina von Dreien

Text: Editing Christina von Dreien

In Volume 2 we have published a list of practical tips on what every single person can do in this turbulent time of global upheaval and reorientation to increase their inner vibration, transform their patterns and expand their consciousness. One of the tips was: “To close with the past by dissolving oaths, vows, promises, astral constructs, traumas and similar things.”
Now we have heard that people offer the dissolving technique in the name of Christina von Dreien. We have not given anyone permission to do this and we are not training anyone to do so. We as human beings can all connect to the Source and dissolve things without anyone’s help. You do not need a course or teacher for this.

A guide by Christina von Dreien
“I would like to elaborate on this important topic a little more in the following. Because each of us has already gone through thousands of experiences in the past and thereby absorbed and created a vast number of things. However, many of them are no longer current at the present time and may now be resolved or transformed, since they are no longer required.

The technique I use for dissolving is as follows: First we connect to the source. Some also say to “God”, “Creator”, “Source” or the “All-that-is”. We simply talk about the center of creation of the omnipresent divine intelligence from where we all come from. Each of us is constantly connected to this divine intelligence, but many people are no longer aware of it. It is therefore important to reconnect consciously to the source.

How we do this can be very different. Some imagine that they travel from their heads through all energetic levels until they finally immerse themselves in a radiant golden light that is the source. Others imagine how a light channel is created between their crown chakra and the source. There is no method here that works for everyone, for the simple reason that we ourselves decide whether a certain method works for us or not. The crucial thing is that we find an image that our consciousness can accept as the source. For example, if someone imagines a pillar of light that grows out of his head far into the sky until it hits a radiant golden sphere, then this person is connected to the Source at that moment. Because her consciousness accepts that the connection is established as soon as the light column touches the sphere, and that this glowing sphere is the source.

After having consciously connected to the source in this way, we can now begin to resolve things that are no longer needed. The instruction is given that, for example, all contracts that are no longer for one’s own supreme divine good are dissolved – together with all associated storage and backup copies, with all infoenergetic imprints as well as all consequences and side effects. This is very important, otherwise the resolved things will reinstall themselves using the backup copies.

Then we wait. Usually we feel when everything has been solved that could be solved in this way. If we don’t feel anything anymore, then we can be confident that it has been dissolved. It may also be that certain contracts still exist energetically, for example because they are still needed or because they need to be looked at more closely before they can be dissolved.

By dissolving something, an energetic emptiness is created at this point. However, this emptiness can be filled immediately – preferably with unconditional love. For doing this, the source is instructed that all the gaps created by the dissolution are filled with unconditional love. It is also possible that injuries were caused by the previously dissolved things. These injuries can be healed by instructing the source.

When all desired resolutions have been achieved, we should let the energy of gratitude flow.

With the technique described above we cannot only terminate contracts, but also many other things that we no longer need. Some of these things come from the present life, others we have brought back from previous lives.

Below is a list of possible things that are probably no longer relevant or beneficial in the lives of most people and can now be resolved:

– contracts, promises
– oaths, vows
– shocks, traumas
– adhesions
– blockages
– fear patterns, guilt patterns, anger patterns, hate patterns
– karma
– curses, damnations
– initiations, sacraments, energetic sealings
– mental programs, brainwashing, disinformation
– patterns of thought, convictions, ideas, beliefs, world views
– dislikes, images of the enemy
– occupations by foreign energies
– foreign energies (from other people in which they think or talk about us)
– projections (the ideas other people have of us)
– astral constructs (energies programmed with certain commands)
– astral screws and chains
– holograms, energy twists
– energetic implants (microchips, transmitters, switches, timers, etc.)

In this context it is also important to note that not only the experiences of our own soul are stored in the cells of our body, but also the collected experiences of our ancestors. This includes the experiences, ideas and patterns of our father and mother as well as of all their ancestors. Thus, as heirs of our ancestors, we carry with us a vast number of things in our cellular memory, most of which are probably not for our highest divine good.

With the same process as above, we can also have these inherited things dissolved from the source by saying that all entanglements, patterns, restrictions, blockages, diseases and sufferings that we still carry from our ancestors in our cells should now be sent completely into the light and healed when needed. Again, of course, including all storage and backup copies, infoenergetic impressions, consequences and side effects.

How often one should cleanse one’s soul in this way is individually different. Hardly anyone carries all the things listed above, but each of us has one or the other to solve. Depending on the circumstances of life, some people are also confronted with certain things more than others. For example, ‘public’ people are particularly exposed to foreign energies because they reach a great deal of thoughts. Therefore, this person is invited to clean himself of foreign energies more often.

So we are all invited to take responsibility for our state of mind, to finally put an end to the burdens of our past and to thoroughly clean out our consciousness.

Enjoy the process.”
Christina von Dreien, July 2018

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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The time has come to remember who we are. Christina von Dreien in Bern


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