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From 5G to 5D – Meditation / prayer all Wednesdays at 1pm et Sundays 5pm

By Christina von Dreien

In order to do something together at the heart level, I suggest that you meditate or pray, alone or in groups, every Wednesday from 13:00 and on Sunday from 17:00 for the manifestation of love and harmony, especially in Europe and also in the rest of the world. So that we maintain the image of how peace manifests and that the heart energy becomes our everyday life. That heaven will come down on earth.
It is planned that in the near future a spiritual wave of light is going to spread from Central Europe manifesting itself in the world. It will be strengthened by your actions. Switzerland is actually a huge energy portal and when the masses awaken here, it is like a wave going out into the rest of the world. We can support this with meditation.
Thoughts of a mass are strong energies that create very strong new subtle fields and move like a wildfire towards people who have not yet come to the thought. Subconsciously something like this affects everyone. It is important that people do this at the same time, so that the power immediately increases. That is why we give a time here. Whether you stay for 10 minutes or 30 minutes is up to you.

Light meditation:
Every Wednesday, 13:00 (MEZ/CET)
Every Sunday, 17:00 (MEZ/CET)

A wonderful time to all of you,

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