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Instructions for increasing frequency, by Christina von Dreien

During the evening in Wattwil, Christina was asked how we can learn to see auras for example. She replied that we can not ‘learn’ this because we already have it in us, that we just need to ‘activate’ it. Here comes the ‘activation’ instruction. Enjoy!

Walking along the own soul path
Self-acceptance, self-esteem and self-love
Taking responsibility for ourselves and for our own destiny.
Forgiving ourselves and others.
Concluding with the past.
Thinking positively and wishing positive things.
Developing positive, uplifting character traits (virtues)
Neither in thought nor in words or deeds harm living beings.
Being grateful to others, helpful, in service, and recognizing the other.
Loving interaction with animals, stones and plants.
Inwardly decouple from the system of non-light.
Question mass media and thinking for ourselves.
Focussing on the essential in life and get rid of everything unnecessary.
Surrounding ourselves by good, bright things.
Being more attentive to ourselves and the environment.
Cleaning and energizing living spaces.
Cleaning and harmonizing the land and the sky.
Exercising mediation and mindfulness.

Detoxifying the body
Eating consciously and healthy.
Ensure sufficient physical activity.
Provide sufficient sleep and rest.

What to do with others
Cultivate fellowship with like-minded people.
Networking with like-minded people worldwide.
Perceiving children of the new age as such, and supporting them in the society.
Helping each other to increase the personal vibration.
Critically scrutinizing the system of un-light and search for alternatives together.
Implementing alternative life models in practice.
Meditating in groups.

Coco Tache supports

Was haben wir zu tun? Ein Auszug aus Christina von Dreien’s Konferenz in Wattwil, SG


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