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How important is it to set bounderies?

How important is it to set boundaries?
Dear friends

Not everything that exists in this world is good for us. Sometimes we need to distance ourselves from something because we notice that it does us no good.

In that case, we can and should also say “no”. We don’t always have to say yes to everything.

Many people don’t like to say “no”. But there can be a power in this word, because with it we can say clearly that something is not OK for us. This enables us to set a boundary.

Distancing ourselves from things that are not good for us is self-love.

However, we can only distance ourselves from things that we are aware of. That’s why I’ve selected a few key words from the plans the World Economic Forum wants to implement by 2030. You can do the research and find all these goals yourself.

The content is very nicely packaged and sounds good initially, but if you look closer, you’ll realise that the aim is total control over humanity as a whole and over every individual.

I’m telling you this so that you can see what the unlight forces are planning. Because if we don’t know about it, we can’t distance ourselves from it.

Some of the goals are:

One world government, one world controlled cashless currency, the end of all national sovereignty, the end of all private property, a one world social credit system, depopulation, control of population growth, chipping of human beings, digital ID, state education of children, abolition of private enterprise and private transport, ban on natural, non-synthetic remedies etc,
Please do your own research on this.

The important thing is to distance yourself inwardly and outwardly from these plans and, at the same time, begin to join forces with like-minded people and send a great deal of strength to visions for a light-filled future. You should turn to peace and to those things that are good and uplifting, and nurture them in yourself and in your surroundings.

Your Christina


Don’t miss it!

Love Stream 14
will take place on Saturday, 21 May at Planet One in Arbon.
16:00 – 19:00
(only in German)
Advance booking for the recording with English translation available. See below.

In the first part of the webinar Christina will talk about what is topical for her right now and in the second part she will answer some of your questions.

Topics will include:

What does Christina say about timelines?
What does “saying no” have to do with inner power?
There are many extraterrestrial beings who love us
Were parts of the human brain paralysed at some point and if so, why?

In the second part we have our friends Coco Tache and Franz Rösl from the “New Earth Manifesto” project https://www.thenewearthmanifesto.com/en/ as guests.

You can look forward to lots of exciting and good news! It is more important than ever to get to know concrete projects and solutions that are supported from the heart and also include the spiritual dimension!

And at the end we will again strengthen the luminous field together… with our joint meditation.

Tickets for online live participation here (in German) including recording:
(EUR 39.-/CHF 44.- plus VAT)

If you would like to participate live in German, but would like to receive the recording in German, please contact

Advance booking for the recording with English voice over translation:

The recording with translation will be available a few days after Love Stream 14. You will be notified then.

And again, for those who really can’t afford it, we have the 50% discount. This is also available for those who have already received discounts once or several times.

For this, please write an email to:

It is our understanding of crowdfunding that those who can afford it pay the full price so that it becomes possible to give away as many tickets at half price.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Warm greetings,

Christina and Team


You need more info, send send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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