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All together for 7sky.life

Together, let us carry this wonderful platform that is ours. Let us fill its wings with strength so that it can spread all our precious awakenings and testimonies throughout the world.

During the “7sky.life Connection VII” evening organized by our luminous Coco Tache, 80 books “Conversation avec mon Coeur” will be offered in favour of this platform filled with priceless treasures. Ours! Stories of lives so inspiring and so precious for the awakening of the collective consciousness.

7sky.life has spread its wings. Together we can allow it to make a beautiful and long journey so that this beautiful bird continues to distribute all its beautiful light on so many paths of life.

It’s a call for donations with a wonderful gift in return. At the end of the evening you will find this precious book waiting for you. It will be accompanied by a donationbox in favor of 7sky.life. Please contribute with whatever you wish.

“Alone we go faster, together we go further”

The consciousness of the Heart is an integral part of many cultures in our world. In ancient Egypt, the Heart was considered as the seat of the soul. Since many civilizations, shamans, spiritual guides have referred to it. It is now the Science that comes to reveal this reality. It invites us to take an interest in it and to welcome the origin of our potential. In this new era, many messengers throughout the world are coming to reveal the omnipotence of the Heart so that the human being may awaken to the full extent of his inner capacities which are born at the centre of his Heart. This miraculous organ that is at the origin of our existence on earth.

For information: a new, even completer version of the book will be published in bookstores in September 2019 under the name “Mon coeur, ma boussole” by Editions Guy Trédaniel-Le Courrier du Livre.

The 7sky.life Connection VII Lausanne “together, now” is going to take place on 23 May 2019

Doors opening, networking: 6pm
Start of the conference: 7:30 pm
End of the conference: 22h00
Followed by a glass of friendship

Address :
Casino de Montbenon Allée Ernest-Ansermet 3
1003 Lausanne
Registration required >> https://up.7sky.life/7sky-life-connection-vii-lausanne/
Price free

Hulin Audrey supports

TOGETHER ! NOW ! 7sky.life Connection VII Lausanne 23rd May


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