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The path of the artist

Do you believe in God?
In the power of the Universe and the law of attraction or any other spirituell meanings you´ve heard about or experienced so far?

Did you feel the touch of a mystic happening or have you once experienced just the deeply known truth of an inspiring book?

The story I want to share with you is starting with excactly that:

A life change inspired by a book suggested by the first wise and older woman who showed up as a healer and mentor in my life in times where I was struggeling and went through tough progressions, but that´s for sure another story.

It’s said that there is a right time for a book, you will take it or someone will give it to you .The teacher shows the face as soon as you are ready. When your perception is open and you are curious and receptive.

I want to share this story with you, to encourage you to listen to your inner voice, to trust yourself and believe in the power of yourself, to find your way and to believe in life with all its beauty.

A couple of years ago, I´ve had the feeling for a needed change in my life, deep down in my cells I knew that it was existentiel.
Even that I didn’t know what exactly it was.

My point of view these days was always from the overtaking line.
I´ve worked as an eventmanager & booker these days. Authentic lifestyle included.

But there was something inside of me, that was seeking for a way out.  I didn´t know that it was my creativity , my soul wanted to get attention. As I had other plans and other priorities, goal orientation was my style. But in order to become more of me, I had to learn to just flow with the universe, with every breath, that was my new learning. The path of the artist changed everything.

„There is space inside of everyone of us and there is space around us and in between all the breath and in between of all the words, and there is another space. The space of magic.“

It was Summer 2011. The green was calling to lay down in the tall grass and to read.

„the path of the artist“ By Julia Cameron. i was curious. It was an experiment.

A successful experiment.

Julia cameron has written a spirituel  guide to awaken creativity.

How to free your creativity to live a fullfilled life and how to listen to your inner voice.

Develop your intuition and get in touch with your inner child.

I´ve read it once.

I felt the calling.

I´v read it twice and worked myself through all the little lessons and chaptres.

It’s a work book and it’s interesting to go through it. You are starting to get to know yourself better.

There are other questions to be answered, there are new ideas planted.

And I´ve absorbed every word like a sponge.

It was my truth.

I felt that it was written for me to help me to get to the next level.

To give me a helping hand to make the step over the edge.

I´v read a couple  of inspirational books but this one gave my life a totally new direction.

Never in my life I thought that I could be an artist.

Never in my life I understood that creativity was God given and everybody can have access.

Never before , when i speak from now, I felt so complete, balanced and whole.

But before I have to tell you that it wasn´t that easy as it sounds like.

I didn´t really listening much to myself… Until I´ve heard the calling and I started with baby steps, but I didn´t give up my lifestyle. And that one was an exhausting one. Partygirls dont sleep so much.


Burn out. Too much of everything asked me to pay the price.

Life showed me another direction. At first it showed me that the common direction was a wrong one. It was tough and confusing.
It took me, throw me into the air where I split up in thousand pieces.
After getting back to earth, everything was different and I needed years to ‘feel’ me again. Different but me.

And now. I love me.I got to know me better. I see me. I take care of me.

The Book – The Burnout and all the following steps changed everything.

For the better.

To find the way to my creativity changed the point of view for so many things in my life.

Not just in a way of getting more skills and learn how to express myself in different ways but also in order to understand life better and to trust and to accept and learn to let go.

The book inspired me so much and the burn out gave me time.

Time to go after what I really wanted in my life.

The artist journey began slowly with a collage putting old comics inside out.

In love with wonderwoman as she is one of the first independent strong women I met in my life I gave my self a little poke and tried a first sketch.

I draw wonderwoman.

It was a sketch of a child, of my child, my inner child. And it was happy to be finally heard, and lucky to be finally seen.

Up from there the journey got faster and my inner child got more and more trust and space.

There were ups & downs:

More then once I felt the magic of life.

More than one time I cried my fear out not to be enough.

And felt shame to be so insecure.

But I kept the direction.

It felt like that thousands of new links had to be connected in my right brain.

And now after these years the paths are stronger and I´v learned to trust to go step by step and to enjoy the steps, even if  I dont know where they are taking me to. Better: I am able now to enjoy the steps into the unknown.

And I trust my guidance. I believe in the power.

So you can.

There is a net that is going to catch you as soon as you have the courage to jump.


After years of painting, drawing, sculpturing and developing myself, I jump now again and am currently writing a fantastic spiritual story for children and preparing a project around the urban goddesses of the contemporary times .

The journey continues and the path of the artist is the best I could have choosen.

The best for me.

I wish you luck to find your way. The best for you. That one which fullfills you with the spirit of passion, the spirit of God.

And if there is a point where you dont know what to do. Ask for guidance. There is always someone who is listening and helping.


Anja supports

Love is the ultimate force of the universe


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