The foundation of Life is “Health and Vitality”.
- Love
- Romance and Sexuality
- Education
- Self improvement
- Spirituality
- Parenting
- Work and Career
- Finances
- Social life
- Emotional life
- Sports and Fitness
- Contribution and Service
- Arts and Self expression
- Hobbies and Passions.
- Life projects and Dreams…
By learning to nurture these 5 “Life Pillars or Essentials”:
- Nutrition: What you eat determines what you are. We are not only talking about the food we eat but how we nourish each one of our senses. It is the quality of what we watch and see, what we hear and listen to, what we smell and sense, what we touch and feel, what we think…
- Life rhythm: Every thing in nature has a cycle, and rhythm. We do as well. Our inner clock is based on Circadian rhythm and Ultradian rhythm (BRAC).
- Movement: Movement is Life. Your body movements and postures will tremendously affect how you interact with the world.
- Breathing: At the beginning there is the first inhale, at the end the last exhale. Between there is Life.
- Mindfulness: Having the ability to bring your attention and being present at what you do when you do it enhance any experience you are living. It is what being alive is all about.
If any of these 5 Life Pillars are disrupted for too long, it affects our “Health and Vitality” and we eventually get stressed, depressed and sick.
The “Art of how to juggle with these 5 Essentials” at the same time.
Juggling «together» these 5 Essentials is the foundation of the “Art of living”.
If you juggle 5 balls and you focus at any ball in particular you might drop the other ones.
The secret is to look and focus at the center: «the Why you are doing it».