Step into the mystery: have a wild 2017! – 7SKY.LIFE

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Step into the mystery: have a wild 2017!

New Year 2017 Love Letter to Everyone written by Keri Gonzato for her Conscious Living Blog and shared with…

Not only every year, but every single moment too, you can be born again.
Life itself is constant motion, endless transformation. When you try to control it and you stop, in the name of safety, you slowly die. Those who want to be truly alive have to embrace the changing nature of existence and dance into it… keeping the heart open even when the mystery is scary. Accepting the invitation to move into the wild, towards unexplored paths. These mysterious lands are the fertile humus where life grows and the juiciest fruits blossom, exciting smells are perceived and where you can see shining stars you’ve never seen before. Out of the comfort zone. Out there, in the cyclone of change, is where we grow, expand and evolve. Like a flower bud, that before opening to the wind and the sky, doesn’t know what to expect, so we when we dive into a new chapter of our lives… our opening is a leap of faith. I raise my cup to the lion and lioness in each one of us: may this year be of the brave hearts!
Have a wildly beautiful new year beloved ones…
Conscious Living Blog 
A Wild Journey with Keri

Keri supports

Let the pain go and step into your own power.


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