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There is a force which makes you want to search further, especially when you are a « nonbeliever ». This strength comes from the unmovable confidence some people have in a divinity, religious or not, that helps pull through difficult moments of life.

In this world some people survive to anything, smile even when times are rough, always have a kind word for others, give more than they receive. When you meet someone like this you cannot remain indifferent. They touch you, open your eyes, take you by the hand and make you see the bright side of life.

But what isit these people have?

Some will say that it’s biological, that we are not all equal in facing problems, that some have a stronger survival instinct, produce more serotonin, have less scars from their childhood.

In Buddhismyou will be told that it’s your karma. A Buddhist monk once explained it in a colorful way: “we have a pot filled with positive and negative karma beads, and some of us have more positive beads”.

But why ask so many questions? Let’s be grateful when we meet such a beautiful soul who smiles at you, opens her heart, trusts you, gives you wings and help you love life as it comes.

We know one of these precious souls: Mofoluwaso Ilevbare, Fofo for her friends.

Fofo has this gift that makes you fall under her spell at first sight. She is a surprising and beautiful person defined by opposites. Business woman and woman of heart, engaged full-time in a multinational and passionately engaged in helping women reach their goals, mother and international speaker, over-booked and available.

She will be the Guest Star and Speaker of the special event organized by Share Ideas onNovember 2nd at 7pm at the D!Club in Lausanne.  During her talk on Confidence, Power, Passion and Purpose, she will share the spotlight with artists such as Gospel Sound Lausanne, Barbara Turney Wieland, Joanie Waelti and South Gate.

Don’t miss this unique moment!


Aurore Donné supports

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