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Soulful Photography: Capturing the Essence of Life Through the Lens

In our fast time of consuming pictures every minute and being able to create them even with a smartphone, soulful and artistic photography is still lacking – photos that have a personal message, show a relationship to nature and people and finally express a feeling from within. I was always fascinated by  photography as a fine art form and already published an international Newsletter called print letter in the 80s for over 7 years. It covered the market of galleries, books, museum exhibitions and auctions of vintage prints as well as interviews with photographers. More than three decades later the Creator wanted me to go back to this field and publish a magazine that allows readers to enjoy creative photos and contemplate on them. Through my spiritual life with meditation and conscious living I started a new project in late 2023, aiming for 6 issues per year. The title was created by my spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy who expressed the idea of such a publication in 2005, two years before his passing. He offered a three-fold title: Satranga Rabi in Bengali, The Seven-Hued Sun in English and the descriptive title “International Magazine for Soulful Photography”.

In the meantime the first two issues of Soulful Photography already appeared, the first with a theme of TREES, the second dedicated to MALTA. The subject of trees was obvious as trees and meditating under a tree play quite a significant role in the life of spiritual masters. I could connect to the South African Life Coach, Jana Field, who wrote an inspiring article of the spiritual meaning of trees. The second text is entitled “The Tree in Buddhist Symbolism and Art” and is followed by an international portfolio of the contributions that I got from all around the world. In the Malta issue I had the privilege to also present one of the great Maltese professional photographers, Keith Ellul, with a beautiful black and white portfolio. And now I am already preparing issue no. 3 offering pictures from NEPAL. For this issue, which will appear in May 2024, I am proud to present one of the main experts of photography in Nepal, Kevin Bubriski, as he was living many years in Nepal and could witness people in various parts of the country in their day-to-day life.

SOULFUL PHOTOGRAPHY is open for contributions from all photographers and photo-enthusiasts. You are welcome to send your best pictures to the editor kedar@goldenboat.in. The themes of the coming issues until end of 2024 are STONES, LANDSCAPES and WATER (including seas, lakes, rivers etc.) And if you are inspired to subscribe to the magazine, you can find all details on the website, who carries only the cover and the contents information, but theres is no online edition. The magazine is only available in print form.

– Kedar Misani

Kedar supports

Water Meditation in Greece


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