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Let’s stay united

Struggle feeds wars. It divides us and serves the shadows.
To be in our Heart is to keep our position and preserve our centering according to the deep call of our being. It is not to impose anything on the other. It is to be respected and to respect one’s neighbor. It is to consider the choice of the other without passing judgment and respecting the individual sovereignty.
It is to be kind to oneself and to one’s brothers and sisters. To affirm one’s position without struggling but acting according to the call of our Heart which whispers to us the messages of the Source of the Living, of our soul, which has one intention, peace and love for each one of us.
It is not to move forward headlong and be certain that our truth does not come from our mind, or from some other source other than our Heart. It alone is united with all the hearts of the living and knows the universal truth that will bring us together.The division does not appear in any of the drawings of the Source of Life. It is but pure creation of man.To remain firm in our position, dictated by our Heart. Manifest it in our own choices, our actions in the respect of the free will of each one of us. Hearts will open and the message will reach the greatest number. We will remain united no matter the path of awakening of each one. United by the Heart. Our assembled lights will spread throughout the world. Peace and harmony will be master.

With all my love,
Audrey Hulin, author of the book “mon Coeur, ma Boussole” published by Guy TrĂ©daniel/Le Courrier du Livre.

Hulin Audrey supports

love is the only way to rescue humanity from all ills...


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