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Nomad Shala – Sacred spaces in Nature

NomadShala is a nomadic retreat center made of large comfortable cotton tents.

Our intention is to share the beautiful tools that have empowered us in optimal health, full potential and JOY. 

And to offer to our guests, friends and seekers of beauty and truth magical spots in Nature. Therefore, we create beautiful ephemeral spaces where you can unfold and bloom. 

Our guests can can rent the space for their own conscious event OR come and enjoy one of our carefully designed holistic retreats. 

We invite inspiring teachers, medicine men and women, artists and musicians to co-create wonderful retreats that touch the hearts and make us smile. ! 

We are looking forward welcoming you, meeting you and singing Yes to Life Together. Join us on the journey of Freedom & Love. We Are One ! Mitakuye Oyasin!

Simone and Antoine


You need more info, send send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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