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Le Signal de la Grave project

A crowdfunding campaign towards a green sustainable future

La Grave. Few names resonate with so much power in the collective unconscious of all mountain lovers. Nestled at the foot of the giant North face of la Meije in the French Alps, this freeride mecca has been synonymous with the ideal Valhalla since more than 30 years. La Grave is not the typical ski resort: it is rather an old stone village with small unnamed streets, hamlets with a staggering view, an untouched mountain on which you explore your environment under your own responsibility. And at the core of all that lies the vital artery of the village, the legendary lift the lease of which ends at the end of next spring in June 2017. Mountain villages are unique and fragile ecosystems. La Grave, with less than a thousand inhabitants, shelters an incredible community of more than fifteen different nationalities, united by the same deep love for this place, its surroundings and its unique vibes. Spending time or living there permanently truly is an experience! The threat is that an investor who does not share the same vision disrupts this subtle balance by implementing detrimental changes to the environment, to the economy and to the community as a whole. This is why ‘Le Signal de la Grave’ project and crowdfunding campaign have been set up. Initiated by Joost Van Zundeert, hailing from Belgium and who has been living in la Grave since many years, it is a truly innovative project regarding the future of the lift with a global vision involving a great deal of respect towards the environment and a local form of economy around it. This echoes a growing movement around the world aspiring to a new kind of localism, still remaining open to the outside world. Grass-roots initiatives are budding everywhere as more and more people realize that it is possible by joining forces to take their destiny into their hands to move collectively in the right direction. By donating to this campaign, you can not only help preserve the future of la Grave in a green sustainable way but you also show a strong sign to the world saying that such initiatives are possible and no pipe dreams!


Vanessa supports

More Hugs Please


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