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How will you qualify modern day slavery?

By Ina Lazarov

From today apparently to wear a mask becomes obligatory every where in Paris including on the street . Any street! This is a total abortion of rational thinking in the profit of some ideology imposed by idiots administrators who are not in touch with reality (unless it is purposeful in order to channel the population into accepting to vaccinate in the coming months, one or the other).
In Paris there is no pandemic. And even if there is something- the focus should be on treating the sick and not preventing everyone to breath . There are excellent doctors – specialists of viruses, of HIV, microbiologists, who already extensively talked publicly about the benefits of chloroquine on the Covid 19 virus. There are also many doctors who warned against the danger of wearing a mask. Not only a mask reduces the oxygen intake needed for our system to function properly, but it also creates more opportunities for contamination with our own germs which we are supposed to evacuate with the breathe out.
Anyway I tried during a 9-hour flight and on the airports to wear a mask non stop, saying to myself that it is not a big fuss. But I couldn’t actually breath. I had to constantly pull the mask down or on the side in order to take a gulp of breath. Then I observed the other people – the policemen, the waiters in the restaurants, the shopkeepers – they all regularly touched their faces, adjusted the masks and tried to optimize the intake of air.
We are not into some intellectual concept here, my friends. We are into “I cannot breath , because by law they do not allow me to breath.”
This is a situation of total corruption. And 100% of vested interest. The question is not whether somebody is trying to sell vaccines to us or they just take all the wrong decisions out of fear for their careers – these are petty details in comparison to not letting me breath.

How will you qualify modern day slavery ?

Or are you so brainwashed that you think that slavery goes with a metal chain around your neck or you need to be sent to a camp where they will use you as an experimental rat for some time and then gaz you.
Wake up! What is happening right now in France is a modern day slavery .
The people who currently take the decisions about how to manage the Covid situations are extremely corrupt. One needs only to remember how they shifted their stance from “the masks are not advisable for the population” in March (when it was the peak of the virus, by the way !), to today’s situation when wearing a mask has become mandatory. Against the advice of the French doctors and biggest virus specialists this decision was taken.
In the name of the new totalitarian regime. We do not live in democracy anymore.
I hope that from September on the Yellow Vests will shake up all this bullshit that is going on. They are the only ones who seem to have a functional mind in the country. The rest are walking dead people

Valérie Penven supports

What does wearing a mask lead to, if we don't look beyond


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