When I was younger, I tended to look at things more negatively or overreact even if it was the smallest things. I didn’t want to, but somehow it was the thing that was programmed into my subconscious. So for a long time I was mad at my family, my close friends… I’ve decided that I need to forgive and let go. It was a long journey that I had to take, so I thought. Meditation was a great thing for me but it didn’t help me as much, I still felt those negative emotions lingering somewhere inside of me, even if I felt that I’ve forgiven and let go consciously. Eventually, after spending a few days on the internet, I stumbled upon a thing that is called an “Essential Oil”. I always read about a product before trying it out, so I did a whole lot of digging on their website and about the company and I figured out that they are the only company that produces the highest grade, 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils, so I’ve decided to give it a shot. I ordered “Forgiveness” that is an essential oil blend unique to that company and started using it 2 times per day. After a week, I felt whole, at peace, felt all my worries, anger, negativity vanish! I was mind blown how much it helped me. After that, I started working with the company as an aromatherapist in order to help people come to wholeness, living healthy and free lives. I am left thankful to the universe for setting me on this amazing path!