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Ganesha (8c, 7 pitches) – Rope Solo First Ascent by Fabian Buhl

After being the first to repeat Alexander Huber’s “Nirwana” (8c+), a 7-pitch route on the Sonnwendwand at Loferer Steinplatte, which is considered one of the hardest multi-pitch routes in the World, Fabian Buhl was hooked. The 26-year old wanted to establish his own first ascent in the same style, ground-up and solo with a bare minimum of bolts. Right next to “Nirwana” he manages to solo redpoint “Ganesha” (8c), a 7-pitch route named after his mojo: an elephant-headed Hindu god that is widely revered as the remover of obstacles and the God of New Beginnings. A great image for overcoming many hurdles and risking big falls while developing his very own self-belay rope management system, which has given him the confidence to tackle many more solo projects in the future.

World of Freesports supports

Xavier de le Rue


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