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Powerful and yet so delicate.

Mystic and yet so very human.


This is me trying to put words onto a musical show that got me speechless – stoked. Fraser Anderson and his partner in shine Bex Baxter, got my skin-shivering, my heart- pumping slower and deeper, my eyes- moist with forgotten emotions. I took it all in- our souls are so thirsty for this kind of pure creative expression. Delicate, comforting, deep drink for soul. After the concert I asked them: how did you do it? They revealed me that they had been meditating for one hour before getting on stage. Now it was all clear- that level of presence, the graceful intensity, it all came from a space of meditation. Fraser and Bex where really there with us and their voices went deep. They placed us “Under a cover of lightness”, Fraser Anderson’s new album which is, according to Bob Harris (BBC Radio)…

“Truly beautiful – let’s shout about this from the rooftops”

But, let’s go back to the start and explain you how I got there… Earlier this year I had the chance to reach the boutique Festival Zermatt Unplugged with my dear friend Marian Bader, a brilliant photographer from Venezuela. We came to the feet of Mount Cervino to enjoy some days of music, freedom and good life… we didn’t expect to find so much human awesomeness. In less than 3 days we got to interview Xavier Rudd, Jack Savoretti, to be taken by Angus and Julia’s stone magic and to meet… Fraser Anderson! Through a mysterious ticket we got invited on top of the Sunnegga where we enjoyed a delicious dinner and than sat down, filled with curiosity in a small intimate space. We were a privileged  audience. Fraser Anderson and Bex Baxter came in, two voices, one guitar. Their voices, oh those voices… covered me with light! I looked around and noticed I wasn’t alone, eyes were shining everywhere. Essential, simple, real, talking about lived lives, inner scars, bleeding hearts, healing parts. Our destinies met for one night- walking around Zermatt, from one venue to the other, between snowy roads and stars, me and Marian bumped repeatedly into the duo and their amazing crew of friends. We ended up with a rendez-vous for the day after. Marian Bader took some awesome photos and we had a soul meeting- talking about good stuff. Meditation, the destiny of making music, the meaning of living, the vibe of Bristol where they live. And we talked about their new album, about the exciting spring tour in Italy with Niccolò Fabi and the up-coming act in Bulle-Switzerland together with Pete Doherty. We said goodbye with the feeling we had met kindred souls. With a feeling of gratitude. With a feeling that, as long as on stage there’s people like Fraser Anderson, good things are coming…

Keri supports

Michael Franti & Spearheads - Good to be Alive Today


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