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Yoga Camp; Ayurveda Detox Week

Would you like some help with starting a new healthy lifestyle? Would you like to learn about Ayurveda cooking and nutrition? Or are you just looking for a relaxing get-a-way? Then the Yoga & Ayurveda Detox Retreat in one of the most beautiful places of the Alps (MoaAlm in Kals/Osttirol)  might be something for you! A week in which you can relax completely, get fit and healthy, and learn how to cook healthy in everyday life.

AYURVEDA is often called the “Mother of All Healing”. In Sanskrit “Ayu” – means life, and “Veda” means knowledge or science = “The Science of Life”. Ayurveda is considered to be the oldest healing science. According to Ayuveda – the whole cosmos is an interplay of the energies of the five elements which are: space, air, fire, water and earth. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are combinations of these 5 elements and they manifest as patterns in all creations. As everyone has a unique fingerprint, each person has his unique pattern of energies – an individual combination of physical, mental and emotional characteristics, called constitution. This constitution remains the same through one’s life but Vata, Pitta and Kapha are constantly reacting to the external environment. Many factors act upon us to disturb the individual balance. Within the body there is a constant interaction between order and disorder. When we understand the structure and nature of disorder we can re-establish order. In Ayurveda, the concept of fire (called “agni”) is of central importance. In fact, the strength of agni in the body is among the most critical factors in determining overall health. By contrast, “ama” is toxic, disease causing substance that forms as a result of impaired agni, and that, in turn destroys agni. Ama is a Sanskrit word that literally means things like ‘unripe,’ ‘uncooked,’ or ‘raw,’. It is a form of un-metabolized waste that cannot be utilized by the body. To some degree, the formation of small amounts of ama is a normal part of the digestive process, provided it is efficiently removed.

DETOXIFICATION allow the body’s natural healing mechanism to repair the damages and to restore health. After a cleanse people often feel that their digestion improves and that they have a clear skin, more energy and/or a healthier weight. In addition, a cleanse can balance moods, improve mental clearity, make you feel clear-headed and more present.

If you would like to experience the healing power of Yoga and Ayurveda – this retreat in the Austrian Alps might be something for you: MoaAlm, Kals Osttirol: Yoga & Ayurveda Detox Retreat from Sept. 16 – 23, 2017 . Next to outdoor activities, yoga and meditations you we will also have theory classes covering the Ayurvedic basic principles and an half-day Ayurvedic cooking Workshop. Our aim is to provide all the information and skills you need to prepare healthy and nutritions Ayurvedic food in your everyday life.

PS: When mentioning “Ayurfood.ch” with your booking your’ll receive one extra item in your goodie-bag.

Daniela supports

Ayurveda - The Wisdom of Life


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