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With Heart, Hand, Head, and Belly into a Regenerative Future

By Reinventing Society

The four levels of intelligence for the transformation into a regenerative culture: Heart, Hand, Head, Belly.

On our journey into a regenerative future, it is crucial to integrate all aspects of our being: Heart, Hand, Head, and Belly. Each of these intelligence centers plays a unique role in bringing about positive and sustainable changes in the world.

💫 Heart – The Intelligence of Empathy and Connectedness. The heart represents our capacity for empathy and emotional connectedness. It enables us to develop compassion for the Earth and our fellow human beings and to act from a position of care and love. For example, a project aimed at preserving local habitats can only be successful if those involved feel an emotional connection to nature and the community.

💫 Hand – The Intelligence of Action and Design. The hand represents our ability to put ideas into practice and effect physical changes in our environment. It involves practical skills and the implementation of visions into concrete actions. Often, it is only through trying, testing, tinkering, building, and designing that we discover which solutions are sensible and how we need to adapt them.

💫 Head – The Intelligence of Reason and Knowledge. The head stands for our cognitive intelligence, analytical ability, and problem-solving competence. Through our intellect, we understand complex systems, develop sustainable strategies, and learn from our experiences.

💫 Belly – The Intelligence of Intuition and Instinct. The belly symbolizes our intuition and instinct. This level of intelligence allows us to ‘sense’ beyond logical analysis what is necessary in a particular moment or context. In decision-making in a complex situation where not all information is available, intuition can play a significant role in ‘feeling’ the best course of action.

The integration of all four levels of intelligence – Heart, Hand, Head, and Belly – is essential for the creation of a regenerative culture. Each center offers a unique contribution, and together they enable us to think, feel, act, and respond holistically.

Source: Reinventing Society


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