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We need to save the world. We need to be conscious what’s going on

This morning we got a message from Benki Piyako, this incredible beautiful, strong leader from the Ashaninka Tribe in the Amazones, living in order to : « I am a human being consciously acting to defend the rights of the less fortunate ones on this earth». And now, himself, while asking the Brazilian police for protection, got persecuted. Let’s act.

I’ve had the immense pleasure to meet Benki in Brazilia during the great assemble of the ‘guardians of mother Nature*’, and was incredibly stimulated and encouraged by this man who brings so much change and consciousness of what’s going on to the people.

Understanding by now of how our system works, this accusation against his person does not really astonish me, and it shows once more that we need to ACT ! Nothing will change if we don’t act, as we are the reflection of our world’s state.

Much gratitude goes to all the people helping us diffuse and spread this information, understanding that we can make a difference by talking about it, becoming more aware of what’s going on, start reading other information than only the ones that are offered to us in the mainstream media. Which mostly shows only one angle of what’s going on.

We’re all together in this. The Amazonas are our lungs, too. We are the Amazonas, we are the people of our world, we are one.

This event will be followed in mid-May by the event ‘au coeur des temps’ in Switzerland, organized by our partner NiceFuture in collaboration with Aquaverde and Planete Amazone. Here is the link to crowdfunding.


Coco Tache supports

Benki threatened with prison. Thank you for signing and sharing the petition for a better world


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