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„We live in a cage but want to feel free“: Parkour workshops in the Gaza Strip

Running, jumping, climbing. These types of movements are natural for kids and pivotal for their development. However not everywhere in the world are the requirements to do so given.
Such an example is the Gaza Strip. In a region such as the Gaza Strip, which has one of the worlds largest population densities and unstable safety situation, play and exercise for kids is not self-evident.
The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is dark chapter in human history. It is about territories, religion and politics, but also about human rights, personal destinies and identity.
Due to this, the Gaza Strip, which is one of two Palestine territories, inhabits two million people living in the tightest of spaces. They are separated from the rest of the country by walls and fences, the in- and export of vital goods are controlled and rationed, just as water, electricity and internet. Added to that is the steady fear of arbitrariness and authority coming from the Israeli government.
Almost 50 % of the inhabitants in the Gaza Strip are under 15 years of age. This fraction of the population grew up during constant war. There are no accurate numbers, however it is to be expected that the majority suffers from mental problems such as traumas due to the conflict.

Running, jumping, climbing. These types of movements are the foundation of Parkour, an art of movement. What originally stemmed from an escape-thought in the suburbs of Paris, has now become a sport rising in popularity over the years.
The Swiss and German company ParkourONE has set itself to professionally teach Parkour in its entirety, for Parkour isn’t just sports and physical activity but also an attitude to life and philosophy. To do so ParkourONE developed a concept called TRuST (Training and Standards). This is a profound training and educational system, which ensures the quality of the trainings. Furthermore TRuST contains a system of values which gives priority to values such as modesty, trust, respect, caution, no competition and courage during lessons. Mental skills acquired in class are to find usage in everyday life as well.
Besides classes, training coaches and working with federal institutions or institutions of public safety, the company also involves itself in the social area. Such examples are workshops for addicts or humans with disabilities.

Parkour in the Gaza Strip
Thanks to the relationship with Caritas Schweiz, the idea and subsequently the project to send two male and a female coach of the ParkourONE Academy to the Gaza Strip, to host workshops with kids aged 6 to 12 years old, came to fruition. Support and large amount of organisation of the project came from the aid organisation YEC in Gaza, which helps kids and adolescents to deal with their difficult life circumstances and traumata caused by the war.
Over a year of planning preceded the realisation, the safety situation was never good enough to make the journey. The time finally came in August 2016: Karina, Philipp, Arvo and the photographer and videographer Stavro passed through the checkpoint between Israel and Gaza.

„Gaza city was different from what I had expected. There were many unfinished buildings and bullet holes to be seen, yet there was so much going on and right after the first few destroyed buildings, the first fastfood place appeared. Apart from the cars, there were many carts dragged by donkeys and horses on the streets.“ – Arvo, Headcoach ParkourONE Academy

144 girls and boys visited their workshops during the two weeks. The kids learnt the foundation of Parkour in a playful way, learnt how to pass obstacles and to efficiently use their body. Besides the physical activity, the main goal was to help the kids deal with their traumata. Self-awareness, self-assessment and self-confidence were strengthened through the physical training. The kids were to experience joy and success and have the opportunity to get acquainted with a new leisure activity. The program manager at YEC, Amany Mubarak described the psychological component of the workshops as follows:

„Everything revolves around life – the life plan. It’s about trust, how to be modest, to keep everything balanced… As well as the strength, how to be strong. It’s about the problems, which one has to face in life and how to overcome these.“ – Amany, YEC

Apart from the workshop, an intense intercourse with the local Parkour community, Parkour Gaza also took place. Both parties had the chance to learn from one another and Parkour Gaza emphasized on how much the visit meant to them. The exchange with another community is not self-evident to them, due to the restricted liberty of action of Gaza’s residents and the inability to leave the area as they wish.
„We live in a cage but we want to feel free.“ – Abdallah, Parkour Gaza
During the two weeks, new friends were made and a lot of conversations held with Parkour Gaza and the coworkers at YEC, concerning the different situations in Switzerland/ Germany and Gaza. The exchange aided the coaches in gaining a better understanding for the kids’ behaviors, who share the worries of the adults but can not formulate the situation.

„ We had a very emotional conversation. During everyday life you do not notice it, however when they talk about their situation, you feel the grief they have suffered and the fear. The fear to lose a family member, the anger about not having enough medicine, to be locked in and dependent.“ – Arvo, Headcoach ParkourONE Academy

The farewell from Gaza was a tough one. The two weeks were intense, challenging and educational. The kids took a lot from the workshops with them, especially regarding the conveyed values, which are related to Parkour according to TRuST. Not to forget the personal and cultural exchange between the ParkourONE coaches and the people in Gaza, which were very enriching.
The project demonstrates how humans can connect, exchange and help one another, despite barriers and hardships and no matter the age, gender, religion or nationality. Phil from ParkourONE wrote the following at the end of the journey in his diary:

“What I can bring back to the people at home is: go travel. Experience other people. Experience other cultures.“ – Phil, Headcoach ParkourONE Academy

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